Sunset Beach

Sunset Beach

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Sunset Beach

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Sunset Beach
5 3 user reviews

User Reviews


Hi Guys Sunset Beach Was A Wonderfull One Of A Kin

hi guys sunset beach was a wonderfull one of a kind soap and if anyone is interested in obtaining this soap to watch again please click on my link for further details


Sunset Beach Was A Great Soap Opera It Was A Very

sunset beach was a great soap opera it was a very unique soap yes it had cheesy story lines and the actors where not the worlds best but it was watched all over the world loved by students and housewives and there where some good acting scenes and serious story lines i loved and if any one is interested in watching this show again i have over 718 episodes

visit my site for further details


I Think Sunset Beach Is So Staged And The Acting I

I think Sunset Beach is so staged and the acting is so bad and each scene is about 30 seconds long plus when it goes back to the original scene it has not progressed into the story line it just carries off from where it left. Sometimes they look like they have forgotten their lines and talk about posing. But I think it's super and loved it for its silliness.

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