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Coronation Street Reviews -

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Coronation Street Reviews -
2.3 348 user reviews

User Reviews


Gloom, Gloom, Dire

Coronation street is unrecognisable from even a couple of years ago. If it is aimed at a younger audience it does not set a good role model with rude and disrespectful young people who see violence and aggression as normal. There is no humour and no loyalty to relationships (Nick and Leanne for example). It is misery to watch and my partner and I will not watch it again but do worry about the affect it has particularly on young people who see this awful behaviour as acceptable. PLEASE BRING IT BACK TO SOME RESEMBLANCE OF THE ENJOYMENT IT ONCE USED TO GIVE


Absolutely Rubbish The Writers Should Be Sacked.

Over the years coronation street has gone down hill. I believe the actors are very good but the writers are on the wrong planet. The writers are not in the real world.

Boring and not up to date with real life.


Shocking Acting

Had to turn over, absolutely terrible acting and pathetic unreal storyline, it's getting worse than ever. Will definitely be giving up watching....


Desperate Stuff......

Needs a total overhaul in terms of scriptwriters and cast. Storylines are totally unbelievable and at times bizarre, some of the cast actually look embarrassed spouting some of the rubbish their expected to convey. Talking of cast, there's far too many of them, and hate to be brutally honest but some of them can't act.......

Used to love Corrie in its heyday with icons like Hilda and Stan, Jack and Vera and a great cast of actors who knew their trade.


Sad Ending To The Paul And Billy Story

Corrie writers, you got it sadly wrong. Why on earth wouldn't you give Paul and Billy their tender goodbye, we were all hoping they would have that moment. Amazing performances by Peter Ash have left us all in bits, as once again you rain bad luck on this family. A sad ending for any MND sufferers as the story unfolds now showing the torment Billy will now go through as a result of heartless writing. Disappointing!!!!


Am I Watching Acorn Antiques

So definitely NOT watching an episode of Actors Antiques because that was written with skill, amazing talent and was meant to be a farce complete with very hilarious close ups and deliberate bad acting. Coronation Street has all that though. What kind of a lawyer is Dee Dee, she can't even tell her own boyfriend is lying through his teeth. His acting is abysmal, the storylines ridiculous and so darn boring. What has happened, this used to be a can't be missed programme, watching paint dry when this is on nowadays is so much more interesting! Good grief do they write these scripts ok whilst on a tea break.Give is a break, the stories go on far too long, I have had enough of the Lauren thing but at least she can actually act and as for churning up the usual blackmail/affairs rubbish, can't you think of ANYTHING BETTER!


You are spot on. It's a joke!!! But not a funny one!!!


Is David On Drugs

He never changes his clothes. His hair looks filthy. He needs a shower and a haircut. Sometimes his speech is slurry.


The Lauren Storyline Is Just Ridiculous!

It’s a stupid storyline and very boring!! I’m sure I'm not the only one who thinks so!


It is getting ridiculous! It used to be so well written! The Paul storyline is brilliant, the actors are just superb! The Lauren storyline just isn't realistic!


That was meant to say watching paint dry! I would rather do that than watch some of this rubbish!


So did I! Last night it was worse than watching dry too!


Last night (9th July) showed the most boring episode ever with backwards and forwards flashbacks between Lauren and the sleazy solicitor. Fast forwarded all way through and programme just lasted less than 5 minutes for me! Awful episode.


Ridiculous Plots

What has happened to this once great program. Ridiculous plots and awful acting. Gemma the Bailey family and this new guy Jack Carroll to name but a few except now Fizz is back as well. It appears the youngsters are taking over but at least they can act. Now we have this ridiculous plot that Roy is a murderer, please dont let it go on as long as the Stephen plot.


What has happened? Well not much since you wrote your review except the storylines (apart from the Paul MND one) have not gotten any better, in fact to they are mind numbingly boring! Dragging the damn Lauren thing on and on. It's like watching The Bill now, more a police drama. And for god sake I wish they would get rid of that stupid Joel, he can't act to save his life.


Poor Roy,i really do feel sad for him,one of the nicest blokes around,not what you would call worldly wise and fairly naive,has the mis-fortune to be nicked by the dumbest bunch of cops since Charlie Chaplin days. The missing girl is...missing,there's no evidence she's dead but Roy's accused of murder. The female detective proves one thing,there really are dumb blondes.


What On Earth Has Happened To This On E Unmissable Soap!

Coronation Street has become so unbelievable and totally boring. The only best bits involves the superb acting by Peter Ash who plays Paul Foreman, so realistic. Everything else has gone so far down the pan it is ridiculous. Tracey and David used to have great parts, funny, so watchable and very real. What is that awful Damian doing back! Yet another stupid gangster story, yet another blackmail story about to come out probably and everyone lying to everyone else constantly. Some of the most unbelievable storylines ever and I don’t doubt there will by yet another affair story too! They can’t seem to think up anything else these days. The ridiculous Fizz and Aggie stories, please stop insulting us, I for one have had enough.


This isn't a request,it's what this viewer wants, more stupid gangsters.2 get rid of the kids. 3 tell Steve McDonald he's not funny. 4Bobby,get rid.5 Dev,teach him to speak properly. 6 too many Gays,get rid 7 show Underworld as it really is,a sweat shop in a back street 8 too much drinking. 9 show some folks doing a days work,10 get rid of Woke,P.C and get back to reality.These are just a few of my complaints,there's plenty more,get it sorted before it dies the death.


Don't even go there re Bobbie, like what the ....... Making disabled people just all look stupid or inane or actually downright irritating. Yet another ridiculous story. As for Sarah, OMG grow some intelligence love, better still concentrate on your kid a bit more!


Too stupid i actually turned off,not a decent plot and now we have.Bobbie nuff said!


can someone please tell me what language Dev Alahan speaks,all i can hear is a mumble between clenched teeth,almost a whisper with a stupid grin,when he does speak up he talks so fast i haven't a clue what he's on about.Add this problem to the fact he's a useless actor all in all he's a waste of space.

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I wonder how long Corrie has to run?


First aired in December 1960.


When will Craig be issued with the rest of his uniform? I have never seen him with a cap on.


Who are the present writers for soap Coronation Street?

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