Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2)

Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2)

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Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2)

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Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2)
4.36 14 user reviews

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Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money




Addiction Level

Gta 3 Was The Game That Got Me Into Grand Theft Au

GTA 3 was the game that got me into Grand Theft Auto. When I first got it, I knew nothing about the GTA series. Now I am a big fan of GTA. Anyway, when I got it, I loved it. Couldn't get enough of it. Then the game became unplayable (due to scratches) and I didn't think I would ever play GTA again. Then I bought GTA 4, the DLC's for that and San Andreas. Loved both games. Then I found a copy of GTA3, and found it boring, the graphics awful, and the game tedious and fiddly. It lacks the depth of other GTA's and after you've played the other's, you don't want to play 3 again. But it is a very good game, once you get into it. It has fun factor that GTA4 has lost in place of seriousness and realism. You can just play it, and be cheered up. If you're the kind of person that plays games for fun, get GTA3. It's definately worth the few dollars/pounds you can get it for these days.

The Tattonator

Value For Money




Addiction Level

Like All Other Gta Games, Very Addictive And Takes

Like all other GTA games, very addictive and takes time to complete. Plenty of sub-missions and bonuses.

Graphics are OK (except inside cars!), and the gritty surroundings make it seem realistically like New York (newspapers, hobos, gangs, etc)

Decent range of weapons, cars and people.

Good value for money, too!


Value For Money




Addiction Level

Let Me Start Off By Saying That This Review Contai

Let me start off by saying that this review contains both the "now" and "then" tenses. This just kind of happened as I wrote the review and was too tedious to correct at the end. Ready to begin? Then read on ...

Grand Theft Auto III was the game that transformed me into a video game addict, of a sort.

Playing the game for this first time was such a good experience - it was almost like it took all of my other games and burnt them with a Zippo, then buried them under concrete. Basically what I'm trying to say is that it was so much better than any other game I owned, and probably any other game of its time.

The best thing about it? This has to be the freedom - the way that you can complete the missions as and when you want to - instead of following a strict narrative, the storyline of GTA III was flexible and could be moulded in different ways depending on how and in which order you completed the missions. Admittedly, doing things in a certain way sometimes didn't make much sense, as it could put the narrative in a wrong order at times - but who cares?

Choosing your car, customising your weapon set - the possibilities with this game are almost endless. Hours of fun can be had by simply driving around and smashing into things, or maybe shooting some people, jacking a car and embarking on a long winded police chase around Portland.

I don't think there are any bad point about this game. If I have to think of one, and this involves really stretching my imagination, then I suppose it could be that when flying out to sea in the Dodo, the game almost always crashes before you can try and get past the invisible barrier in the hope that it holds something very magical behind it (which I was lead to believe - I wasted hours doing this ... so many wasted hours).

And on that note, I'd just like to boast that I could in fact fly the Dodo for however long I wanted to (maybe you can too, but nobody I know can). The trick is to make gradual banks, being careful not to flip the plane and plummet to an inescapable death.

Now, some people would say that GTA III (and indeed all of the GTA series) is an unacceptable concept. I've even seen articles on the news about how the GTA culture is "teaching our children that killing is cool" or "influencing young minds that gangs are a good thing", etc - and all I have to say to this is that, at the end of the day, GTA III is just a game - and parental responsibility has to play a part in deciding whether your children should buy the game or not. Games are designed to be fun - not a culture threat. Banning the game is not the answer, that much is obvious.

As well as this, and this is no bad point as such - the game can feel like it's missing a lot of features when you come back to it after playing GTA San Andreas. It's important to remember that the game isn't missing things - it just didn't have them at the time, and this doesn't make it any less brilliant.

Another good thing is that there are loads of cheats and tips available for this game. I know most of them, but it's unfair for me to use a review to tell you all of them. Just Google it. Or of course, if you're playing for the first time, then please don't cheat - play it properly or you're missing out.

So to summarise - GTA III is a brilliant game - I deeply commend Rockstar for the effort that went into making it near perfect. If you want to experience a deep storyline but want potentially limitless freedom, then this game is for you. In fact, GTA III is a must have for anyone with a Playstation 2.

Go out and buy it. If not for me, then do it as a stand against those people who are trying to ban it.


Great review and I agree with your comments about people's thoughts about GTA3.


Value For Money




Addiction Level

A Very Impressive Game. The Grand Theft Auto 3 Mis

A very impressive game. The Grand Theft Auto 3 missions are great and give you a good insight into the game itself. There are also a lot of cars to choose from, from trashmasters to little red planes!


Value For Money




Addiction Level

Grand Theft Auto 3 Is A Very Good Game However The

Grand Theft Auto 3 is a very good game however there is only a certain amount of people you can kill and after a while it gets very boring. I wish there were more types of vehicles and definately a type of helicopter. Also it would be nice if the people on the street wore different clothes, at least 2 types for each type of person.

Other than this it is a very satisfying game for a while and has very good missions.


Value For Money




Addiction Level

Grand Theft Auto 3 Is An Ok Game But I've Yet To F

Grand Theft Auto 3 is an OK game but I've yet to find anyone who actually was interested enough to finish it. I watched a show on how to fly the plane and guess what I still couldn't fly it.


Value For Money


Addiction Level

What Can I Say, This Game Is The Best I Have Ever

What can I say, this game is the best i have ever played in my life. you start out as a street rat betrayed by his greedy girlfriend. Then you work your way back up to a full time cleaner for maffia and other gangs. Some missions might take some time to do and get used to from the, 'easy steal that car and bring it here' to the, 'kill 10 of them, steal the car, don't damage it, pick the money up on the way back over here, all in 2 mins. Like all other people have said you can do whatever your sick imagination can come up with. You can drive around, pick up some ho's take them to a nice quiet area and have some fun or beat a couple of cops down with your new baseball bat. WHATEVER!! But eventually you will have to perform missions to explore the other islands. THAT'S RIGHT OTHER ISLANDS!! there are three, Portland, you start out there, Staunton Island, sports cars boats, and Shoreside Vale, quiet suburbs with vengeful gangs. Wonderful game. Oh, and it is rated Mature, language, gore, sexual innuedos, and some drug references. So, get this for the people who can handle it.


Value For Money


Addiction Level

The Best Game! Do You Agree? I Bet You Do! Ok Then

the best game! do you agree? i bet you do! ok then, um if you know any cheats please add them as comments to my review to help me.


Value For Money


Addiction Level

I Like Rockstar Grand Theft Auto 3 It's Cool I Go

I like Rockstar Grand Theft Auto 3 it's cool

I got 9 pages of cheats as well.


Why don't you get the trainer, it has everything in it you need to win, if you want it email me [email protected]


This game is the best


can you please give me the 9 pages of cheats. [email protected]!!!!!!!!!!


You are right this is a great game and the best to me so far and can you send me the 9 page of cheats for me please at [email protected] fast please thankkkkkkkk youuuuuuu


This is pretty cool, if you can please email me the 9 pages of cheats at: [email protected]

Thanks, any thing will do espescially if anyone can help me with the Bomb Da Base Act 2 mission of Salvatore, I would be very grateful if any 1 can help me, THANXXX.


Value For Money


Addiction Level

The Game Grand Theft Auto 3 Is Filled With Action

The game Grand Theft Auto 3 is filled with action packed adventures that involves working with mobs and mafias. This latest version is probably the best one out so far compared to the first and second one. The graphics are much more satisfying to the gamer than the other versions. The use of different weapons is fun in this one as well as state of the art machinery. The cars in this game are sweet. If you use the cheat for better driving, you are the Rusty Wallace of the road. For all the violent fetching gamers out there that love to see gore, GTA 3 probably has the most gore out of the three. The mission gets much harder as the game goes on which is a challenge because in the other GTA games, it was almost too easy to beat without using any cheats.

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