Final Fantasy X-2
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Final Fantasy X-2
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User Reviews
Value For Money
Addiction Level
When I Tried This Game First I Didnt Know Anything
When I tried this game first I didnt know anything about it. And that was my big mistake. I mean I was expecting a great storyline, great characters, just like any other FF game has, etc. etc.
This game shouldnt have been made. Seriously. It is an insult to me and to many other real FF fans. Just like others were saying before me, its like Charlie's Angel and High School Musical and something like that. Seriously. Yuna carries guns. For God sake, guns??? She is the greatest summoner and she carries guns.
And thats not all, ohh no. Its only the beginning. But I wont tell you more, because lets be honest, i cant.
I was getting sick, while I played. Yes, if you ask, its such a disgrace. And literally, I'm crying now. This game is made for kids, or I dont know, but not for the real fans. If you want to play this... -I dont know how to name it-, game, then I'm warning you now: DON'T!
While I was watching the opening movie, I was like, and I wont lie to you: "What the h*ll is this???" Just imagine, remember lets say, FF7. Or FF6. Done? Ok, now remember the opening movie from this game. See what I'm talking about? It just doesn't adds up.
Alright, enough ranting on the bas stuffs. The graphics is quite good, the chicks are hot, and... yeah, thats pretty much about it.
The gameplay is around 20-25 hours, which is really short compared to any other FF so building your char is a waste of time. Oh yeah, and forget about that cool skill system from FF X. That's not in this sequel either.
Putting it in a nutshell.
Do yourself a favor, and avoid this like the plague.
Or maybe check it out to see how horrible this game is.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Final Fantasy X-2 Is Awesome. Good Story Line And
Final Fantasy X-2 is awesome. Good story line and great new characters. Draws you in.
I can never attain all of the dress spheres. I think that's just my lack of skill though.
I don't normally replay games; I hate doing that; but I replay this one often.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Its The Sequel To Final Fantasy X, One Of The Best
Its the Sequel to Final Fantasy X, one of the best games ever. Fantastic plot and battling system. Impossible to understand without playing X. Not a full, fleshed out FF Game. Similar enough to X to make it feel like a proper sequel, different enough to warrant playing. Fantastic.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
If You're A Final Fantasy Addict Then You'll Enjoy
If you're a final fantasy addict then you'll enjoy this if you new try final fantasy 10 first so you get the story.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
First Of All, This Game Doesn't Deserve Zero Stars
First of all, this game doesn't deserve zero stars or one star, and if it doesn't have quantity it certainly has quality. So if you're confused whether to buy it or not, buy it because it's magical, no matter what others say.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Final Fantasy X-2's Great. That's The Whole Point
Final Fantasy X-2's great. That's the whole point of my review...The story of FFX closes up in a most untraditional way-that's why many dislike it...but you have to love Spira to love this game. You have to love spending time with YRP...otherwise...
It's adictive, as every FF (5 endings,hello!).
It's beautiful as every FF.
All in all-my dearest game---must have!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
The Final Fantasy X-2 Ps2 Game Is Brilliant! It's
The Final Fantasy X-2 PS2 game is brilliant! It's often slated, but I think people forget it's the second part of a story, and in that respect it delivers perfectly. I loved it!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
I Loved Final Fantasy X-2 1 Of Best Games I Have P
I loved Final Fantasy X-2 1 of best games I have played but I didn't think it was as good as 8, 9 or 10 but was still very good. I mean excellent graphics excellent storyline excellent characters the only disappointment was the boss he was way too easy.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
I Played Final Fantasy X-2 For Like An Hour And T
I played Final Fantasy X-2 for like an hour and then shut it off and sold it. It wasnt addictive like the other final fantasy's and if Square Enix keeps making this crap I'm not going to buy there games anymore. The only reason it could be addictive is because of the chics....I know there animated..but its so hard not to like it...
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Final Fantasy X-2 Is Nothing More Than Charlie's A
Final Fantasy X-2 is nothing more than Charlie's Angels on speed. For crying out loud, I finished the game in 22 hours. Any other FF game before it I have been able to finish in under 48. Bring back square soft. Well, hopefully NX will be able to make a good movie in Advent Children, but please leave the games alone.
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