Spamgourmet - www.spamgourmet.com
Ease of Use
Spam Protection
Spamgourmet - www.spamgourmet.com
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User Reviews
Ease of Use
Spam Protection
Good Solution To Spam - Spamgourmet
Spamgourmet is a free service that adds an optional layer between you and anyone who you exchange email with, concealing your real email address.
You still need a "normal" email provider, but only need to reveal this real address to Spamgourmet itself. At spamgourmet.com you register with your real email address, and set up a dummy address such as "[email protected]". The "dummy" bit before the @ is your user name (you choose) and there is a choice of about a dozen domains (like refusal.net) to follow the @.
When giving out your email address to eg a trader, you add anything you like before the user name, and a dot, eg "[email protected]". I use a different word each time I give one out. Then if I get spam addressed to "[email protected]" I know it came from that particualr trader (or someone he had sold it to). I can then go to Spamgourmet's website and turn "monkey" off, like a tap. I could even turn it back on again later.
You can send email via Spamgourmet so it looks like it came from your dummy address. There are other options too, like setting a counter limit on an address.
Spamgourmet is run by a guy seemingly because he hates spam. It is free, and has never abused my real email address. You can still use your real email addess directly if you wish - it is not taken over.
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