Chace-star 225 2008i Crossbow
Value For Money
Chace-star 225 2008i Crossbow
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User Reviews
Value For Money
Chace 225 Lb Crossbow
I ordered my crossbow from L Rajfeld and it arrived a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to give it a good work out before I wrote this review.
It arrived well packed with minimal assembly required. The recurve limb was alreadyu strung so one job out of the way. The instructions supplied were easy to read and follow. Included with the crossbow were a cocking assist device, 4x32 telescopic sight and mount, a stringer, 4 bolts and a mounted quiver, normal peep sights, but these I never bothered to even take out of the packaging as I intend to use the scope sight exclusively. This maker "Jandao" from China have obviously studied what must be the most successful recurve limb crossbow in history, The Excalibur Equinox 225 lb draw weight crossbow made in Canada. This bow is powerful enough to bring down an Elephant as was achieved by the company owner on safari in Africa. I must make it clear at this point that I in no way endorse hunting big game, or any living thing, with bows. I do not like blood sports this was just an example of how powerful these things can be. This is almost an exact replica of that famous crossbow. Many have complained about this cb being such an exact copy but with Excalibur cb costing in excess of £ 600 for a similar set up then the £ 280 this cost is a real bargain. I am an ex Excalibur crossbow owner so can compare like with similar. When it first arrived I had to shorten the cocking assist device to fit my arms length. Very easy job to do just keep shortening the paracord until you dont have to over stretch to cock the box. The bolts supplied are not of the best quality but do serve to sight the cb in and give you a good sample of what a beast you have purchased. Zeroed at 20 metres in my garden with a suitable back stop I found it all to easy to hit the bolts fired in previous shots. When shooting this at targets make a mental note to select different aiming points as you will soon find your self bereft of bolts, yes it really is that accurate. The cb is not really bedded in yet but 462 grain bolt chronod at 303 fps average giving 94 ftlbs energy. Enough energy to give a pass through on any large game found in north America using broad heads. More speed can be obtained by using either lighter bolts or flemish string or both. My impression of this Chace cb is one of power well built strong construction should last a lifetime. The strings do wear so keep them well waxed also, one point to remember is that recurve crossbows do have a fair bit of vibration and check all bolts and fixings to make sure they are and remain tight. On mine I had trouble zeroing, when I checked the scope mount screws had loosened. I checked all my bolts and fixings and applied lock tite, problem solved. By this and you wont be disappointed, I promise
The on-line agency (not a shop or dealer, with little stock, if any) known as Outdoorhobbies (aka Crossbows4U) sell the Chace Star Crossbows under the rebadged name of "Boa Recurve Scope Package".
This is so hypocritical after his nasty comments about them, falsely saying that they are Excalibur copies.
He tried selling them before, without any success, but now he sells as a X'mas Special and over-priced by 25%, at least.
If you look at the other ads, see if you can spot the over-priced, rebadged crossbows. Yes all of them. So after all that was said, Outdoorhobbies turns out to be a hypocrite and deceiver, by his own words and actions. As with all agents (even the ones pretending to be a shop or dealer) the cost is too high, the service is very poor and the retorik is deceiving. Now you know the true nature of such an agency.
Any one have more to add?
Every comment on this post is designed to put off potential buyers of Chace Star in favour of the Excalibur. He also promises never to sell Chace Star crossbows, when he pretended to be an Excalibur Dealer (off-course he's not and never has been).
Seems he's trying to 'have his cake and eat it', like the proverbial 'spoiled child'.
He relies on first time buyers who don't properly research the product they're interested in, which they usually regret with gained experience.
He now loves the very same Chace Star crossbow, which he has re-badged "Boa Recurve Scope Package" (it's the Chace Star really) which he describes as:
"This recurve is available in a selection of draw weights 150lb - 225lb, and is designed to achieve an impressive 269 - 345 feet per second. This performance gives excellent momentum, speed and accuracy. The crossbow comes complete with a detachable quiver, 4 aluminium bolts, rope cocking device and a very nice 4x32 Multi Recticle Scope fitted onto an adjustable weaver rail to alleviate recoil nuisance.
The crossbow is finished in camo and suitable for target shooting, and for oversees hunting - where permissible. The Boa has the power to satisfy even the most experienced hunter and amaze those new to crossbows at the sheer value for money this recurve model offers."
Of-course his prices cannot even compare to normal retailers, check out the huge price differences.
Looks like Outdoorhobbies (aka Crossbows4U) is the "Del-boy", a real profiteer.
He still tries to put down BCStores, who he perceives as a major competitor. Check out: Warningaboutbcstorecrossbows.co.uk. It's a bogus web-site.
He tends to re-badge a lot of his over-priced crossbows, trying more deceptions, to hide the true brand name.
Buyers be aware and avoid this agent and go to real shops or dealers, who offer genuine guarantees and service.
I'm sure many, many readers can now see straight through you as I do.
This now proves that my faith in the 'Quality' and 'Value for Money' of Chace Star crossbows is vindicated, when I solely introduced them to the main stream crossbow market, nearly 2 years ago. Now many, many real and genuine shops and dealers sell these fine, amazing quality and value for money crossbows and now Outdoorhobbies, trying to hide the fact by re-badging, sells and recommends them.
As quoted by 'The A Team',"Isn't it nice when a plan comes together" and my instincts on 'Dell-boy' Outdoorhobbies being an unscrupulous profiteer is also vindicated.
I agree so much with the last comments.
I'm sure that I am the only genuine seller of the 200 lbs and 225 lbs. version of this crossbow in the UK.
I order direct from Jandao in China and carry full spares and accessories and real guarantees, backed by the manufacturer. You can be assured that you are dealing with a genuine Importer/seller.
I offer: "See before you buy", without obligation, for those who visit.
I am Leslie Rajfeld and my email is '[email protected].
Try me, I've sold many and only receive outstanding feedback.
Beware of false suppliers who adverise at an unrealistic price and cannot deliver or properly guarantee them.
Seeing this same discussion about alot of goods lately, first comes the safety claims, then the general quality and copyright etc..
One case I came across was a horticultural LED growing light, Chinese company selling a certain light for $300 vs US company's $800 for the same thing.
The snobs were out as usual but also blatant trolls associated with the US company were making blatant lies in so called direct comparison tests, all to protect huge profit margins at the expense of the few that can afford.
Turned out the US company was actually supplied by the Chinese manufacturer with the same light they just added a sticker and nearly tripled the price.
It's clear that consumers in the west are being ripped off in nearly every single way. I wonder what it costs excaliber per unit to produce a crossbow? They may move production to China to further increase profits (of course they would nt pass on any saving to the US UK etc, the snobs would probably moan about the quality more if they did that anyway)
What a sad world when we can argue for the utter greed or so few.
Now where can I get a chace star 225
Hi Eggmanfu,
Doesn't Crossbowboy's rhetoric sound familiar? A certain person, from North Yorkshire with an Internet selling site (who sells Chinese clones of Barnett, for one and many more at artificially high prices. How's that for honesty?) that he tries to pass off as a shop or as a dealer, but is neither. His comments have no truth to them. He is a consummate deceiver. Have you checked out the forums, he's there trying to put this crossbow model down and promote his web-site.
Crossbowboy admits he has no experience, that's true, now he's showing he has no sense, only ignorance.
Just ignore him and let him crawl back under his rock.
Your review is spot on and I've taken note of your after-market mods. I'm still in two minds about Dyno Flemish strings. These were initially designed for bows. I get no significant improvement with them, in arrow speed or server wear.
Schony also went for the Dyno Flemish string and found similar. He does report arrow speeds of 335 fps with a 347 grain arrow and 97.4 ft/lbs Kinetic Energy with the standard 472 grain arrows. That's faster and more powerful than Excal.
I do enjoy the truly amazing downrange accuracy to 100 yards and beyond. More users are reporting "Robin Hood" shots on target.
I'm pretty sure you've just had a taste of outdoorhobbies owner's deceptive posts to try and put the Chace Star down and promote his over priced Excal's. He's trying to put people off this crossbow, which must be eating away at him that people see can through his deception.
He has no experience with it at all. He just makes it up, just like the American posts. The Chace Star actually out performs the Excal in accuracy and arrow speed as Schony's chrono tests and grouping went on to prove.
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