Superbyke RSR 125
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Superbyke RSR 125
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User Reviews
Build quality
Value For Money
Purchased My Suprbyke Rsr125 Around 4 Months Ago,
Purchased my Suprbyke rsr125 around 4 months ago, these come with the mikuni carbs on as standard wich means tuning is a little easier.
With help from a yoshimura can and a new pilot and idle jet in the carb, the bike will happily sit at 85mph all day long. With its dual discs and two pot callipers its stopping distance is unbelievable, it outbreaks any other 125 bike!
In the 4 months of owning it, the only problem ive come accross was the choke lever on the carb used to vibrate and cause the bike to tick over at 4000rpm, this was solved by simply replacing the screw and applying a small rubber washer behind it, it has stiffened the choke lever up a little but has rectified the problem.
I would recommend this bike to anyone starting out or getting back into biking (Get some practice in as this bike is ridiculously quick off the mark)
Best of luck.
where did u get a idol jet and pilot jet as have just bought one of these and they are the only mods i need as have a new exhaust and a racing cdi
Build quality
Value For Money
Brought This Bike For A Low Price After Having A H
brought this bike for a low price after having a hartford 125s which was a great starter bike and nostalgia took over and i brought an rd 125lc which with the powerband was like a jet.. however i,ve got to say my rsr is without doubt the most reliable ,, sturdy,,economical,, etc etc bike i,ve had..... four stroke all the way ,,, often mistaken for larger bike and a reasonable 65mph on the flat so all in all for me a great 125 cc
Build quality
Value For Money
I Love My Bike. It Looks Great And Cost £100
I love my bike. It LOOKS great and cost £1000.00 second hand on an 09 plate. Have yet to ride so when I do, I will change this.
It has a Suziki 125 engine and has a top speed of 70mph downhill, it looks like a bigger capacity bike. Stylish and often mistaken for a Bandit 600cc. Also kind of the reason I bought it. I might as well look amazing whiles only being allowed to go 65mph.... you get no street cred on a CG you see.
:) Brand new they cost between £1695 and £1995 and the chinese / korean manufacturers have come a long way it would seem.... I am a new biker so I didn't know what they were like before but I love this pretty thing, I wish I could show you a picture and will update on the riding and stuff next week when it's dry.
Does anyone know the valve clearance setting please?