Wesleyan With Profits ISA Fund

Wesleyan With Profits ISA Fund

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Wesleyan With Profits ISA Fund

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Wesleyan With Profits ISA Fund
2.5 4 user reviews

User Reviews


Tellus Justo

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.


Massive Charges And Little Left For Any Returns

I found this a really confusing product which was supposedly sold to me to simplify my previous portfolio of various ISAs, but is actually an old fashioned Endowment with various bonuses and adjustments to make the value of the product very difficult to be sure of. The annual report states a gross profit of 15.7% for 2013 and 11% for 2012, but the actual returns to me only seem to be about 1.5%. I realise there is an allowance for "smoothing", but this seems ridiculous if 90% of the profits are being used for charges etc. Perhaps the Chief Exec salary of £1m (having increased 3 fold in the past 3 years) per annum is part of the explanation!


Great Product, Absolutely Diabolical Service

The Wesleyan are living in the dark ages with customer service - the product was good. One problem was with amending online payments and even worse, the 'talk to the hand' attitude of staff at all levels when I made a few complaints. Staff are stalled, lied and then arbirarily closed my account - no where does this seem valid in the terms and conditions. I'm moving my investments elsewhere.


Your review does not even make sense. If that is how you corresponded with them them then no ownder they closed your account.

Having held the with-profits isa, among other policies for almost 6 years I could not disagree more. The service has always been exemplary in my opinion and the fund has been solid.

Having been a customer for almost 18 years I have few complaints although they do send a bit too much correspondence and leaflets.


Looks A Promising Investment Oppotunity

I decided to invest some money in a Wesleyan With Profits ISA becuase the performanceof the fund looks quite promising. However Wesleyan take around 5% from your initial investment so only 95% of your investment gets invested. (95% allocation rate). Although this is seen to be a medium to long term investment there may beother cheaper options out there to invest in so shop around.

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