Lush Cosmetics Dream Cream

Lush Cosmetics Dream Cream

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Lush Cosmetics Dream Cream

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Lush Cosmetics Dream Cream
3.75 4 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

The Best Moisturiser

As a 14 year old girl, I can honestly say this is the best cream I have ever used.

I have suffered from eczema for over 5 years now, and I had never found a cream or steroid that would help my eczema. A few months ago, I discovered dream cream at my local Lush store.

The product is approximately £10.50 for a 240g tub. My first thoughts were that it was quite expensive for such a small amount of product, but I quickly learnt the product was worth the price.

When I put it on my skin, it was the perfect consistency, not too thick and heavy, but not particularly light and airy either. Within days, it had cleared up my eczema and dry patches of skin almost completely, and my skin felt soft and fresh.

When I smell the product, I do smell a hint of milk, rose, and tea tree,nut the smell is not too overpowering, and it is very subtle.

I like that the product contains pure, natural ingredients that are known to help the skin greatly, such as rose water, oat milk, and cocoa butter. I also like that the product is hand made, and it does not have masses of chemicals like moisturisers from big chain stores often have.

With this cream, a little goes a long way, and a tub lasts me for months. It feels smooth and soft on the skin, and it drys quickly without leaving the skin feeling greasy.

Overall, this is a incredible product I would thoroughly recommend purchasing.


Who Are These People, And What Has My Daughter Bou

Who are these people, and what has my daughter bought, as it is difficult to identify from the debris I received? She has tried to call me a few times today, but I daren't answer the phone as I cannot lie and tell her how wonderful her present is. So, thank you Lush, whoever you are, for ruining my birthday.


Value For Money

I'd Been Meaning To Have A Good Hunt About For A W

I'd been meaning to have a good hunt about for a while for a hand and body lotion but just hadn't got round to it. So when my Santa Present had Lush's Dream Cream in it I decided to try it and see how we went.

The tub is black and reminds me of a Hagan Das Ice Cream tub. It is smaller at just 240g. But the price I nearly fell over at £7.95 for this small body lotion. I took the lid off and sniffed at my new cream. Various smells were coming through to me such as Lavender and a milk sort of smell and there was one smell which I couldn't quite put my finger on until after I had put it on and made Mr G smell it. He said it smelled off Tea Tree Oil. The smells together blended well and none of them were too over powering. There was no one smell which jumped out at me though. Blended together the scents are a night refreshing change to what I have been used to in the past.

The cream itself is a nice consistency. I have used various creams over the years and this one is not too thick and it isn't too runny either. It feels cold on your hands when you first put it on to them. It can be cold when you put it on to your skin as well. I find that it takes a bit of practice to get the right amount. Too little cream and you don't feel like you have enough cream on and too much can make it difficult to smooth over your skin and get it to start moisturising in to your skin. I've found a few times that I have had to remove the excess cream which I have had on my arms and legs. It doesn't make you feel greasy if you put too much on. It just makes your skin look a bit shinier. I've never had any problems with my skin feeling greasy after putting the lotion on. My hands are constantly wet with all the bathing which I am now forced to do as well as having 2 young children and having to paint and wash my hands on a regular basis. My hands have started to feel smoother than they have done in years. Maybe this is a hint for Mr G with his tradesman hands which are rough.

My only complaint about this cream is the fact it has a 2 month life. It's best before date is usually 2 months after it was made. You can usually find this on the little sticker which was put on the tub to let you know who made it. I would watch what the date is when you buy one as by the time I received my present and started to investigate what was inside, I only had just over 2 weeks to start using. I found in 2 weeks that I used very little cream so it does last well and can also be shared with others. You've got to share your Lush products, it would be selfish not to.

I've suffered from Eczema for the last 3 years and my skin changes regularly as to whether it is dry, oily or being a pain in the bum to me. Since I started using dream cream, within just a few days I noticed a huge difference in how healthy my skin looked and how much softer it was feeling. Even my tummy and thighs have started to improve in how they look in the short time which I have been using it. My eczema hasn't bothered me once that I am severely tempted to try this on my 2 year old who suffers from bad eczema. The smell from the cream is very subtle as not as strong as the coconut one which I was using prior to using dream cream. It actually doesn't put me off constantly catching a little whiff of Lavender and tea tree oil either. I've had no problems with dry or oily skin since I started to use this and it is as though my skin has finally found a balance on what it is happy with.

mandy milton

Value For Money

Lush Cosmetics Dream Cream Is A Brilliant Cream Wi

Lush Cosmetics Dream Cream is a brilliant cream with lots of uses. A pot will go on for ages, and it's not too expensive either. I would recommend it to all mums and their babies.

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