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Value For Money

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5 12 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Our Adorable Boxer Lola

our boxer lola is the most beautiful dog in the world and is very funny, intelligent, loving and lots more we cant discribe LOL.when we take her to the forest she jumps in to the water and gets all her paws muddy and aks like posh paws soooooo funny . :)


Value For Money


I'd never really given much thought toward a boxer until I met someone who'd owned one for most of her life. It's one of those dogs that is adored by anyone who's had or known one, and for good reason. They're loving, energetic and extremely funny pets. Mine, although small for the breed, takes great offence to being to big to claim the lap of his family members but hasn't get stopped trying. You definitely know they appreciate you as they're big tail-waggers, or rather butt-waggers (because they can't possibly limit their happiness to just one body part.) You'd most likely want to walk them often, as most dogs should be, because they are very energetic and you might want to tire them out a little so they don't bounce about the house too much. Although they're happy to be with you anywhere, I do believe they need a bigger house to be properly happy and that an appartment wouldn't sustain their bubbly nature quite enough. If you're certain that you'll be able to walk them daily, however, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Although they are extremely family-orientated, I can leave mine alone in the house for hours if needed without worrying if he'll disturb a thing... except the sofa cushions, which he immediately abandons when he hears me come in - very sheepishly, too. Boxers are extremely sweet, buoyant dogs who adore children as much as they do a cuddle. One point: they have short, needle-like hairs which, while grooming is not needed, have a habit of sticking to clothes and other fabric surfaces. Have your vaccum at the ready.


Value For Money

My Crazy Boxer

My boxer is one year old he is very good with other people but he might lick them to death hes great with other dogs aswell he loves going to the forest i would get boxers all my life!!!!!!:)


Value For Money

I Have A Two Year Old Boxer Named Ruby. Who Is Ver

i have a two year old boxer named ruby. who is very easy to manage playful and not too big for her breed. i take her for long walks down the canal she gets on well with other dogs, although gets very jealous of people getting to close to you this is a good sign though as you know she is guarding you. young children love her and is very gentle when she is around them.

i have had three boxers and will continue this throughout my life.


Value For Money

We Too Own A Beautiful Female Boxer, She Is Just T

We too own a beautiful female boxer, she is just the best and we love her to bits. She is all the above, and is the bestest cuddler dog we've ever had. We are seriously considering a sista for her. They dont like to be left alone, but we like being at home with her.


Value For Money

Boxers Are Ideal Pet. Oh! I Forgot To Say His Name

Boxers are ideal pet. Oh! I forgot to say his name. He is Kuttan a fawn with white markings of age 1. He likes to walk behind us wherever we go, run like crazy in the yard with no reason, jumps up to reach my face and gives a punch on my stomach with no mercy.

been conned

Value For Money

They Are Lovely Dogs! Great Family Dogs With A Gre

They are lovely dogs! great family dogs with a great character.

Boxer's have lovely faces. They are so expressive - like little humans. The only negative thing about them is that they sometimes have terrible wind.

I would recommend this breed to anyone!

mister z

Value For Money

I Am 50 This Year And Have Had A Boxer In My Life

I am 50 this year and have had a Boxer in my life for 45 years of that 50.

This breed is not just a dog but is actually another member of the family, I currently have a new puppy who is now 5 months old his name is Draco (welsh for Dragon) he is a typical boxer puppy into eveything and pushes the boundries every day to see how far he can go. This above all is the most important thing to control right from the start. You need to be strong yourself and not fall for those sad eyes when he knows he has over stepped the mark. Be strong, be firm he will soon learn who is actually the boss, but beware again he will always try to take back control. The boxer will always find its level in every family and will be loyal to those above him and always protective to those below him.

The boxer is a great family dog although he is very strong and at times with young children can cause a threat with his inabillity to realise that his speed, strength and general happiness can be dangerous around children.

Please note that a well trained Boxer like many other breeds will not bite, They also find it very hard to bark once they are mature.

Another trait of the breed is that they can be deaf when they want to be, this is the stubborn side of them, this is always followed by an enormous Huff when they do not get their way.

As far as their interactions with other animals I have had mixed results with all my dogs, Sheba loved Cats and allowed the next doors cat to hang on to his chops while he walked around the house. Solomon hated cats and rabbits, Max loved everything, Barkley could not be taken off his lead when out because he would always over power any size dog and then try to box them into the ground, on one occasion he took on to dobermans and when he eventually allowed them to get up watched them run away and then Huffed in disgust that they did not want to play. George was my mate and lived only a short time as he came from the rescue centre and had been badly treated by his original owners (it makes me very sad to write this part).

Boxers usually live to the ripe old age of between 11 and 13years, they do suffer from liver problems later in life and most of my dogs have suffered from stiffness in the back legs when there time has nearly been up (all that energy expelled every day of their lives).

Finally anyone thinking of having a boxer must understand that this is not just a dog it is another member of the family and for that reason must be allowed to join in with every aspect of family life, Opening Christmas presents with a boxer brings untold joys as they too like the boxes more than the contents.

I am looking forward to a long healthy love affair with Draco and I know that he will give me more than I can ever wish to give him.

Also. Value for money? where else can you get a security system that looks so menacing, lasts for 13 years and cost in proportion so little.

montys mum

I also had a boxer that I rescued at 6 months of age from an animal shelter he really was a big part of the family he made me laugh every day and was a consoling friend when my dad died last August, unfortunately at only 6 and a half yrs old I had to have him put down as with my dad he too developed cancer and I couldn't bear to see him suffer it broke my heart, apparently this breed can be prone to cancer and heart problems, if not for this reason I would definitely get another one it is wonderful to see an animal that truly loves life to the fullest, and brings so much pleasure to its family.


I agree, we are on our third boxer dog now. Jasper is a brindle who we rescued form Birmingham when he was 2.5yrs old, he's now over 4yrs and is just starting to calm down. George died of cancer aged 8 and Barney died of mitral heart valve failure aged 4, he died playing in our garden with his brother george (same litter).Lovely dogs that don't like being left on their own. If you go out to work full time - DON'T GET A BOXER. They all come with a long tail now since the docking ban last year. But, their character remains the same - wonderful. TREAT THEM RIGHT and they'll reward you for it. They are thinking dogs and don't need to be bullied but you need to be firm with them at first. Need lots of exercise and free running to be happy. Avoid complete food - they're meat eaters like all dogs. Ours loves freeflow tripe and raw chicken wings (value ones from tesco). They need lots of regularly changed fresh drinking water as it gets slobbery. They love drinking water after a bit of a run around. good family members as they are almost human in behaviour.Like I said, they are intelligent thinking dogs. Vets call them 'Lumpy dogs'.


I found this review helpful's true! I've got a 2 year old Boxer bitch and an 18 month old dog - they are great!!


Value For Money

I Have A 9 Year Old Red Boxer Called Cassie-louise

I have a 9 year old red Boxer called Cassie-Louise, I've had her two and a half years. She was from a boxer rescue, to start with she was very timid and scared of everything, now she is really coming out of herself and is completely mental.

She goes crazy when I get in from work and bounces around the garden like a rabbit. When I'm feeling sad she comes and puts her head on my lap and looks up at me with the most beautiful eyes and cheers me up.

At the end of a hard day she curls up at my feet and snores. She is my best friend and know she would protect me to the end.


Value For Money

The Boxer Is The Ultimate Pet!! It Will Run And Ju

THE BOXER IS THE ULTIMATE PET!! It will run and jump, and chase anything that you care to throw. If you just want a dog that will walk for miles over the lakes and dales, the boxer will happily do both of these, and after you have fed it, it will sit on the sofa next to you and rest its head on your shoulder, look at at you with the softest most soulful eyes you have ever seen, and then fall asleep and snore gently until it is time for bed, when it will climb the stairs and (if you let it) get into bed next to you.

How else can you describe a boxer except as a loving bundle of fun that just never wants to grow up, and will in turn keep you looking and feeling young.

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