X Factor
X Factor
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User Reviews
So Very Poor
Ollie Murs is an extremely poor and boring presenter. He gets most things wrong and was particularly embarrassing this evening. BRING BACK DERMOT O'LEARY, why did they ever let him go‼️
No Guarantee Seat
I think it is disgusting the way that peoples lives are being played about with if they are given a seat they should remain in that seat how would cowel & co like their hopes dashed like this totally awful I think the X factor could lose a lot of viewers over this
2914 X Factor
Wow what an opening show. Welcome back Cheryl x
The Show Sucks
I can't believe what this show has become, it sucks! The songs and the distractions on stage. The singers are not great. Don't waste time watch the best show THE VOICE!!
We have never seen a judge select contestant based on their nationality and disregarding the quality of singing. Such a person should never be a judge. I am not american (in case you think that I am racist, what is very often thought in the US). Simon, congratulations you must have dig very deep to find Paulina. Simon anyway I am still a big fan of you, but not the show with such a mudge like Paulina.
Jolanta Tomaszewski
Demi Review On Ashley
As a judge Demi appears to go along with what Simon says along with the other judges. My problem, she booted Ashley for the younger lady and it's very clear that Ashley is more stronger than all the ones that Demi chose. In my opinion the Xfactor is looking more like American Idol; all the judges boot black singers. And that's the Xfactor and American Idol. Simon spoke up for the last girl, but he did not speak up for Ashley. Kelly goes along I guess to keep a job. But, this is the world we live in. Demi, remember you wanted to mentor Ashley, great job. Demi, you're doing the same thing this year as the previous year; whatever, Simon says you do! I hope you and the other ladies develope a voice outside of Simon's. I would say I would like to see if Simon follow your led when his turn comes available; however, I won't be watching nor setting the DVR. Ashley I believe that you knew all the long that you would be booted as I, but keep your head up. Remember, Simon was wrong when it came to Jennifer Hudson. Keep God first and "all things work together for the good and for those who love The Lord."
Grandpa And The Kids
This season X factor reminds me of an old guy and a bunch of girls listening and crtiquing people's singing styles. Simon seems too old and sarcastic and the girls seem to be to young and elitist making for a very weird dynamic...
It seems like there proliferation of these singing shows has generally made this entire genera seem very old and tired. Having said that, I must say Idol is still at the top of the heap, though not by too much....
Soo Dust
I swear this show is dead like simon cow cant sing top wasteman onde level shout out my gs tristan aka kagawa
Amazing Or Average
The X factor. I mean an entertaining show dont get me wrong. It has the amazingly talented auditioners and the auditioners that are just hit and miss really.This shows good but it just lacks that WOW factor to keep the show and audience engaged.Every single year they just replay this show so when they annouce the date it comes on this year your not surprised at all cause you think here we go again the same old record. They seriously need to kick up the show a notch or just lose the channel from prime t.v. so is this show
The best show I ever watched
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