The Apprentice
The Apprentice
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User Reviews
Brill Programme- Compulsive Viewing!!
Favourite is Adam - down to earth-gives it his all and has a great personality!!!
The Apprentice
Not only is this a genius, idea but a brilliant programme. I am not sure if I'm supposed to find it as funny as I do, but the combination of Alan Sugar seeing right through everything, Karren Brady and Nick Hewer's reactions and facial expressions (cue Nick's expression at the Chocolate Facial treatment a few weeks back or Karren's reaction to "the people here are poor"), and the absolute halfwits that appear on the show make this utterly addictive and irrestible to watch. The candidates apparently Own/Run/Manage their own multi-million pound businesses. I am more flabbergasted by the fact that they are entitled to vote in the General Election! Even managed to get the Wife watching it.
I'm Hooked
The new series is hilarious. Alan Sugar is becoming like a charicature of himself and the contestents definitely make for entertaining watching because of their hair brained ideas and attempts at project management. This might not be what the program is supposed to be about but it keeps me entertained.
Apprentice~ Its All About Alan Sugar.. Not About T
Apprentice~ Its all about Alan Sugar.. Not about the condidate... this series i have seen that he's giving so much tothat girl Stella... Which i felt from the begining on that bus tour task she and Stewart had to be blamed instead He fired the better one instead of the cocky one..and what funny is that he so himself in him.....
I Thought The Idea Of The Apprentice (apart From T
I thought the idea of the Apprentice (apart from to entertain) was to promote the idea of doing business.
This season is a shambles. Most of the contestants are acting like school kids. Liz was fired today after being the consistently highest performer, finding gaps in markets, selling better than anyone, good with figures and seems to build good rapport with clients. Instead a 21 year old that acts like a spoilt 6 year old and has showed no real business talent apart from being loud is still in the contest.
It would seem Lord Sugar is not in favor of the professional business person with good ethics but the rogue trader who would sell irrespective of trading standards for a quick bob. A great example to British businessmen. I find it disgraceful he is endorsing such behavior to the public.
Is There A Geniune Process Of Selecting Good Candi
Is there a geniune process of selecting good candidates or are simply 'lucky ones' chosen? I would recommend a more diligent and thorough interviewing and screening process IF THERE IS TO BE ANOTHER Sir Alan's The Apprentice; O' well if we're still up to watch; Great theme, but please keep the selection real!
I Think This Show Brings Out The Passion For Buiss
I think this show brings out the passion for buissness, not create it because i believe if your born with it, your born with it. I believe for this show you must have something very unique about you. You must be able to stand ot from the crowd and also learn to butt out when it's not your turn.
It Is Not Practical In Real World As Business Deci
It is not practical in real world as business decisions and actions are not carried out spontaneously. Instead of thinking back in the boardroom about what went wrong and would could have been done better, it would be more advisable to discuss what may go wrong and what could we do better because business is strict business!
The Apprentice Should Centre Around The Excellent
The Apprentice should centre around the excellent business messages, rather than a money-minded Alan Sugar who considers himself the absolute best at quite simply anything you put to him. His success is without a doubt impressive and his intelligence is not doubted, but he should stop making the show all about himself, and learn how to talk in perhaps a more civilized and professional manner. As much as he wants it to be, the show is NOT about someone who has made it in life; but about developing a business acumen and passing-on valuable messages.
The Apprentice Was One Of The Most Popular Shows W
The Apprentice was one of the most popular shows with nearly 4 million viewers. For twelve weeks fourteen people did certain tasks to prove themselves to Sir Alan. They were divided into two teams, the team that lost, one of them was fired!
It was the best programme I have ever seen, it was mostly gossiped around, everyone I knew was watching it, and we just loved the finale where Michelle was hired.
Well, this programme certainly won't be fired!
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