Dragon's Den

Dragon's Den

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Dragon's Den

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Dragon's Den
3.36 8 user reviews

User Reviews


Where's Dunc?

This show has not been the same since Duncan Bannatyne left I'm afraid. The new dragons, especially Touker Sulliman have a very wooden personality, I hope they do something asap to liven the show up a bit as it is starting to get a bit boring to be honest. PJ is still my fave dragon followed by Deborah - the only 2 old dragons left. A complete revamp is needed I think if it wants to get more ratings. As for Evan Davis, the less said about him the better.


Tonight - The Show's Not Even Over Yet But I'm So

Tonight - the show's not even over yet but I'm so passionate that about them denying 2 great ideas so far -

1. The scooter - The older gentleman had it right! With CPP as crappy as it is, wanting to keep the cost down is making the quality of life of seniors and the disabled BETTER. Screw the Dragons on this one.

2. The toilet paper brakes - hey - I'm sure the tree huggers would spend 2 bucks on the package - the environment needs help.

Hey - both ideas only wanted 100Gs - Heck - I'd put it in to make the world a better place and be part of the solution - not the PROBLEMSSSSSSSS


Creative And Building Good Socio-economic Confiden

Creative and building good socio-economic confidence. Although I thinl it is too exposed because there is no confidentiality. At least very interesting, that is a good start.


Dragon's Den Should Have A Better Crossboard Respr

Dragon's Den should have a better crossboard respresentation if they are going to allow such sarcasm and dehumanizing comments. The judges seem to be trying to make a show for ratings but I lost a lot of respect for the whole show if they are not even going to respect the presenters.


I Have Only Watched The Program Once (yesterday).

I have only watched the program once (yesterday). I think the dragons are proud and full of themselves. One told a prospector that he does not like his person (that is hogwash).

They said someone who is an engineer cannot go into fish business, that is not right. Which of them is practising what he studied at school. Branson the CEO of Virgin could not have studied all he is doing. Most of them who were opportuned to have rode on the wings of women, their parents or through dubious means should stop messing people up.

Thank You


Very Little Entertainment To Be Had In Dragon's De

Very little entertainment to be had in Dragon's Den in my opinion. I myself am disgusted by the blatant capitalism displayed by the "Dragons", manifested most worryingly in the fact that they rank money as such an important social marker: obviously placing almost all of the people who pitch to them as some kind of lower form of human being. Any intelligent viewer would do better to invest their time watching something - anything - else.


I Think This Programme Is Brilliant And They Are A

I think this programme is brilliant and they are all fab especially Debra Meaden I look forward to it every week. It is the best thing on tv.


As A Tv Show Dragons Den Is Great, It Has It All.

As a TV show Dragons Den is great, it has it all.

The inventors walk the stairs then look at the dragons waiting with eyes staring.

The inventors then give their pitch to sell their invention.

After the pitch its the dragons turn to scrutinise the inventor and they do, any week spot is widened then enveloped with comments of No I don't want to invest.

The inventor looks in disbelief with sweat dripping down their faces at the money on the table that they are not going to get.

There are a few great items that have won backing including Levi Roots sauce (which I have bought) and other backings that have failed.

As a show it has you gripped you tend to say yes or no to the bid too, just try it out and see how often you are right or wrong.

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