P. Mauriat Soprano Sax System 76 2nd Edition Soprano Saxophone
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P. Mauriat Soprano Sax System 76 2nd Edition Soprano Saxophone
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User Reviews
Sound Quality
Value For Money
I First Played This Soprano Sax (p.mauriat System
I first played this soprano sax (P.Mauriat System 76 2nd Edition) at the 2010 Namm Show. Nelson Rangell suggested I tried the sax. Nelson is an awesome player and sounds "killer" on this sax. The sound quality on this horn was amazing. Once back in NY, I played this sax for hours at Sam Ash and decided to buy it on the spot. THE FEEL... The sax is very solid and tight. Definitely very well built. It comes with both the straight and curved necks. SOUND QUALITY...The sound was very appealing NOT PITCHY and the tuning was spot on! The harmonics and overtones are beautiful. I have tried soprano saxes from 3 of the top 4 companies and this one wins hands down. I would suggest this horn to any player stepping up his game.
As an old clarinet player, now with arthritic fingers, and trouble covering the holes, I have considered soprano sax, but am uncertain about brand name(s). I'd like to stay below the $2000. Amount, and that may mean a good used horn. Advice would help.