Epiphone Les Paul Standard
Sound Quality
Value For Money
Epiphone Les Paul Standard
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User Reviews
Sound Quality
Value For Money
Epiphone Les Paul Standard Review
great guitar, beautiful finish. plays well, excellent action and sustain.
i've done a side by side sound comparison with a '72 gibson les paul, and other than overall output level(that gibson was LOUD!) the tonal qualities were remarkably similar.
the electronics blow. my pickup switch doesn't work properly in the middle position, neither do the volume knobs, so something is miswired, though i can't see what it is. first thing on my agenda is to replace all the guts with some quality gear.
other than that, yahoo!
so it's great...but it doesn't actually work!!! Odd review, that.
My guitar teacher has one but he hasn't played it in a while, i think he's kinda mad at it for some reason. I think im gonna get one or a peavey SC-1. They're both really cool guitars, im just tryin to find one thats not to expensive, but sounds good in every song i play.
Sound Quality
Value For Money
Great Value Guitar
This guitar has a great, versatile sound and looks fantastic with it's birds-eye maple veneer. The only flaws lie in the construction (four pieces of glued mahogany for the body and a bolt on neck), but that's hardly a consequence considering the low-end cost. It has a slightly shorter scale and wider fretboard than I'm used to, but that's my background of playing tele's and strats.
Sound Quality
Value For Money
I Got This Guitar 2 Weeks Ago And Irs Pretty Aweso
I got this guitar 2 weeks ago and irs pretty awesome. the only problem is that the volume/tone knobs are all bent and the nut on the input jack keeps coming off which questions the craftmanship. overall i dont really care about that because it sounds great and looks awesome. if you ever get one get the plus model with a vintage cherryburst finish.
Sound Quality
Value For Money
Went Into A Guitar Store To Buy A Gibson But The F
went into a guitar store to buy a gibson but the first one i played was naf.thought i would try a epiphone, that was also naf,so i tried about 15 guitars both gibson and epi.I walked out of the shop after about an hour or so later with a epi les paul standard and £1300 quid in my back pocket.Try before you buy! and grad a bargain
So... 1 out of 15 guitars was ok..... sounds like a BIG quality control issue to me.... I'm a luthier by profession, and a guitar teacher by calling.... and i am a partner in a music shop.... We walked away from Gibson/Epiphone after they sent us goods infested with woodworm, then re-sent the same goods as "replacement units". These famous names used to be something to aspire to.. let quality speak for itself - the brand means NOTHING.
Sound Quality
Value For Money
I Have Played A Few Guitars In My, Albeit Very Sho
I have played a few guitars in my, albeit very short, time (I'm 16). I have been playing for 8 years, and have played my fair share of guitars. The Epiphone Les Paul Standard stands out for me, among others, because of its relative inexpensiveness, but the quality-for-money value that is immediately apparent after you open the box. The sounds is great, pickups don't pack as much of a punch as the Gibson, but they're great. Finish is superb, I would expect it to last for a long time. Tuning seems to be a minor issue on some Epi LP's; after time, some minor tuning adjustments may need to be made, although this can be rectified by buying Grover tuners. Overall a very good guitar, a great substitute for those who want the Les Paul tone but not the price tag of a Gibson. The Epiphone would make a great intermediate-level guitar, maybe even advanced, before you move on to the Gibson (if you so choose). Even the Epiphone Special guitars (lower range) are good quality, so here you have a bargain with everything you would expect from a Les Paul, right down to the insane variety of sounds that can be made adjusting tone and volume. Great for blues, jazz, rock, metal, country and more. Keep on rocking!
Sound Quality
Value For Money
I Don't Know If I Stumbled Upon Some Worse Piece B
I don't know if I stumbled upon some worse piece but my Epi just WON'T stay in tune. My friend has Epi LP Custom and it stays in tune perfectly. My love looks beautiful and plays nice but again, my friend's custom plays much more comfortable. It's weird really I've had Epi LP Special (low budget series) and it was way more comfortable for playing, I was able to set strings very low without them making noises and drilling the frets...I love her though.. she has some flaws :)
(But the appearance..OMG!)
Sound Quality
Value For Money
I Have Personally Been Playing Guitars For About 2
I have personally been playing guitars for about 23 years now and worked with great guitar players such as santana and junior marvin from the wailers. from my perspective this guitar has very little to offer and the pickups arent all that great. i have to say that the apperance is what gets me about this guitar.
I found this review not helpful because...
What exactly is it rubbish compared to.... at£350??
absolute rubbish. you must have tried a really low end one. i have a 500quid model and its great and the pickups are gibson usa on mine like they use on the real thing.
Sound Quality
Value For Money
I Notice A Lot Of Bloggers Compare Epiphone Guitar
I notice a lot of bloggers compare Epiphone guitars to Gibsons.
Well, I have been around the block when it comes to guitars, there is NO differance between a Epiphone and a Gibson, apart from the ego attatched to those who insist Gibsons are better guitars, bull !
I have played many Gibson guitars, Fenders, Squires, Ibanez, Epiphones, and so the list goes on.
I have found amungst ALL of the affore mentioned guitars and many more that you get a wide variation of both sound and quality, NO two particular Guitars are alike.
I would recommend you play any guitar before purchasing one, hold it in your arms like you would a woman you love, see if it plays/feels and above all sounds right, sets you on fire, passion is a musicians best freind.
DON'T purshase a guitar over the net or from a catalogue.
Go to your local musical instrument shops, don't just go to one, go to as many as is possible, play the guitars they have on offer, play as many as possible.
For those of us who are experienced guitarists, we know one cannot tell from playing just ONE of many guitars, wich one will suit you !
No matter what brand you chose, there will be many which will not come up to scratch, INCLUDING many of the top name brand guitars.
I have played guitar since childhood, I am now 48 years of age.
I play mostly British invasion stuff blues, Rock and roll,heavy rock and some thrashy trash, I mostly write my own compositions.
I also play bass, and keyboards, I perform regularly.
My main Guitars are a Epiphone Gibson 56 Les Paul Gold Top, a Fender Broadcaster (Telecaster), Squire Telecaster and a ES 335 Epiphone blond.
In addition to these Guitars I own a vintage Ibanez ES 175, a beautiful Guitar, ALL of my Guitars are over 15 years old.
I use mostly Vox AC15 amplification and a Marshall plexi.
I don't use any effects other than a tube pre amp, and on ocassion an old Boss OD1 pedal.
Roll over Beethoven !
I found this review helpful because I am just starting and know nothing about the guitars on offer as for music shops how do I know whats good or bad apart from feeling like a sheep in aslaughter house.
Sound Quality
Value For Money
The Epiphone Les Paul Standard Has A Great Sound F
The Epiphone Les Paul Standard has a great sound feels great, easy to play, great guitar
Sound Quality
Value For Money
The Overall Sound Of The Epiphone Les Paul Standar
The overall sound of the Epiphone Les Paul Standard guitar is decent. I never been a fan of epiphones because in all of my experiences with them they have always lacked something for me their overall sound sounded a little hollow and bland to me. It didnt have a distinct tone that caught my attention but this epiphone is probably the best one ive played so far. The neck has an odd feel to it. I think you can get a better quality sounding guitar for the same price if not cheaper than this guitar.
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