Nintendo Official

Nintendo Official

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Nintendo Official

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Nintendo Official
4.31 8 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Was The Best Nintendo Magazine Ever

I'm talking about the one written by Tim Street, Dean Smith, Kingsley Singleton, Frank Cifaldi, Mike Jackson, and all the others I can't recall from the top of my head.

It was very witty, funny, and fairly unbiased despite it being supposedly biased.

It's a shame when the rights were sold to Future Publishing, the team was replaced with a new writing team. It was then renamed to Official Nintendo Magazine and then I lost interest in it. Why I lost interest? Because the newer writing team was quite biased (while they claimed to be unbiased) and their writing style felt too corporate. I supposed it suited Nintendo's aim to sell the Wii to the adults at the time.


Value For Money

Is No Longer In Print But Used To Be Very Good, It

Is no longer in print but used to be very good, it was witty, well written and not biased. When the new staff took over from previous editor Tim Street it was no longer as good, and I lost interest


Value For Money

Amazing Magazine. Worth Every Bit Of The Costs, If

Amazing magazine. Worth every bit of the costs, if you are a nintendo fan and you aren't buying this mag then your seriously missing out.


Value For Money

Nintento Official Magazine Was An Excellent Magazi

Nintento Official Magazine was an excellent magazine because it had great reviews, a sense of humour and the language they used was 'awesome'.


Value For Money

I Loved The Old Nom, The Extremely Witty And In My

I loved the old NOM, the extremely witty and in my opinion largely intelligent team consisted of Tim Street, Dean Scott, Kingsley Singleton, Mike Jackson and Rob Burman who wrote the magazine wonderfully. It seems the new mag, as I have only come back to it recently, has done away with them apart from Mike Jackson. As said, it is still readable, but is without the love of previous issues. I still get out my old copies and flick through captions and reviews, as well as the genius of 'Bobby Tokio' and 'Club Seal', they are truly hilarious.


I totally agree, their crazy frog racer reveiw was truly hilarious:)


Value For Money

Offical Nintendo Magazine Used To Be Good, And Was

Offical Nintendo Magazine used to be good, and was surprisingly lacking bias for an offical magazine (see official PS2 magazine's reviews of killzone, goldeneye and 50 cent for examples of bias). That was maybe ten years ago. Then in the N64 time period they had a change of editorial, and from that point on focused on the kiddie demographic of gamers. The style was unfortuante, and even if I was a child I would have found it patronising. Alas.


You seem to have also noticed the weird change that a lot of mags went through circa 99-00. I read your comments on my review of Gamesmaster. It seems that all the old favourites either went bust (CVG) or just morphed into garish, hideous and pathetic comics. The best mags in my opinion were the old style 1990s GM, Sega/Saturn Power, Amiga Power, Mean Machines Sega, N64, and 1996 - 98 CVG. The only contemporary one that even compares to those is GamesTM. All the others re either written by buffoons, have page layouts like the Beano and they read more like Ikea catalogues than games mags. Unsuprisingly, I dont buy any mags these days.


Value For Money

Nintendo Official Magazine Is The Ultimate Nintend

Nintendo Official Magazine is the ultimate nintendo magazine. NOM has everything packed in it hints,reviews,pictures and loads more


Value For Money

Nintendo Official Magazine (n.o.m) Uk Is A Very Go

Nintendo Official Magazine (N.O.M) UK is a very good magazine with a very good layout: the reviews are very handy (a good game gets a high score, bad games not).

Also, every month, the magazine bursts with other articles (other than re-and previews) which are very fun to read, too.

Further, you always get the latest news, things that happen in Japan (big in Japan), interviews, masterclass (how to beat your games), cheats, the newest pics, 4 pages fanmail, contests and even game-based puzzles.

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