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Value For Money

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4 4 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Valkyrie Is Set In Ww2 Germany, But Isn't A War Fi

Valkyrie is set in WW2 Germany, but isn't a war film. It is about the plot (by senior German officers) to assassinate Hitler in a bid to put Germany back on a less self-destructive path. Cruise plays Count Claus Von Stauffenberg- officer, aristocrat, war hero and patriot- and plays him well.

This is a fairly tense thriller, keeping you on the edge of your seat as the fortunes of the would-be assassins wax and wane, and (having read a LOT of material on this subject)I would say that it is historically accurate and factual.

Why "Valkyrie"? This was the code word to activate the reserve army in Berlin in case of a revolt or invasion. Excellent suspense film.


Value For Money

The Main Problem With This Film Is Its Misleading

The main problem with this film is its misleading name. I was expecting to see people riding valkyries, but I was left dissapointed. For those of you who don't know, a valkyrie is a flying warrior woman.


Value For Money

Historical Movies That We Know The Ending For, Did

Historical movies that we know the ending for, did someone assassinate Hitler and succeed? Well, we know the answer is no. So, a movie's telling of the story had better be good! Valkyrie doesn't disappoint. Tom Cruise has once again proved outside his action and macho persona he can act. Valkyrie isn't to Tom Cruise like '12 Monkeys' did for Bruce Willis, but it's one of his finer moments akin to his role in 'Interview With a Vampire'!

In the movie Cruise plays Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, who's lost an eye and a hand in combat. He's getting weary of the war and can see that the Germany he placed his life for, seems to be a lot uglier under the regime of Hitler than he imagined.

As we know, Stauffenberg was the modus operandi behind the failed attempt to rid the war of Hitler. The viewer is set in the middle of all the preparation behind the assassination and then the after math!

There's some great moments in the movie that pay attention to detail [such as Cruise putting out his cigarette when the Fuhrer arrives by plane]. If you want a night in with Hollywood entertainment I'd rent this one, and then after get the German made, "Downfall" to top it off!


Valkyried Is A Great Movie Overall. Although You K

Valkyried is a great movie overall. Although you know the outcome, there is still a lot of intrigue, suspense, and other things to find out. Wagner's music...WOW.I would have liked it more played in German, just for credibility.

Great acting, editing, direction

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