Goodnight Mister Tom
Value For Money
Goodnight Mister Tom
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User Reviews
Goodnight Mr Tom: Actually Good
When the movie was chosen, I thought it was going to be really boring and that I would fall asleep.
But when I started watching it, I didn't want to miss a single bit. I actually enjoyed it and would recommend it to everyone.
Even though I haven't finished watching the whole movie, my favourite bit
was when Mr Tom shouted out "I kidnapped ya!" It was really funny how William asked where he is and then Mr Tom just casually shouted that he kidnapped him.
Although the downside is William's mother who I refer to as the villain.
It was really sad when Mr Tom went into Wiliiam's house and saw that William was tied up with his sister in his hand. He got really sad when he found out that Trudy(his sister was actually dead).
I'm glad that miss chose this film for us to watch and finally I would like to sa that it is a really heartwarming film.
Therfore, I truly recommend it!!!:)
Value For Money
Great But They Could Make It Better If
This film is about a man and child's relation ship and they greatly showed it the only problem is that Nick Robinson (William beech) had quite poor acting and his facial and body language was horrific to be fair to nick he was only little and I am well aware that they did not have a lot of time to make the film itself but I think if they made the film again I feel like it would be even better it is just a little disappointing that they didn't spend longer on it . Generally the film was a delight and I enjoyed the film .
I think the best bits were he bits when you can clearly tell that Nick actually had some good facial language but the worst bits were probably the bits were they did not have enough time to work on it much . But overall. I think this a great film to watch and I recomend to those of you that want a emotional film to watch
You're Better Off With The Book
Good Points
John Thaw plays a good Tom Oakley.
Bad Points
The children's acting is, to be blunt, about as convincing as Flash Gordon (probably why the film focused on Tom and William's relationship). To be fair most children are OK, but Nick Robinson (played William Beech), who just so happened to be the one we see most of, had facial expressions and voice acting which were often amusing because they were so bad. Why they chose him is beyond me. Significant portions of the book were skipped and the whole thing was really condensed and accelerated, and major characters were put on the side line. To be fair, it was a TV film and produced in a short time, so they couldn't put to much in lest the already poor and attention deficient film gets worse.
An alright film if you haven't read the book, but a story of this kind needs to be slower. If you've read the book this will tarnish your memories of it.
hahaha this is sooo helpful NOT xD ..... JOKES
Value For Money
Fantastic Mister Tom!
This is a striking, moving, thought provoking film. It's good family entertainment and at the same time makes you think very hard about the issues involved.
John Thaw's performance is touching and it is a shame he is no longer with us.
Some of the characters are a little underdeveloped, but none of them are essential to the plot.
A very moving story with a satisfying ending.
Value For Money
Goodnight Mr Tom Film Review The Film Goodnig
Goodnight Mr Tom Film Review
The film goodnight Mr. Tom is based around the evacuation of World War Two. In the film, a young, meek boy of 9 years old called William Beach gets evacuated from London, to the countryside. He gets partnered with a cantankerous elderly widower named Tom Oakley. The two characters naturally avoid each other, but soon develop warm affectionate feelings towards one another when Tom realizes Williams' background. It's an amalgam of adventure, and sadness which combines to create a preposterous moving image for the 9-10 year old audience which may have to watch it for educational purposes at school. Not only is the story terrible because of the sadness but the dismal music is bad as well. This ridiculous sub story of the Second World War creates an awful, cheerless fail of a film, depressing all right minded human beings.
In terms of actors in the film, most are poorly played, however Tom Oakley, played by John Thaw is probably the best of the worst. The worst being William Beech, played by Nick Robinson. The emotion that he conveys is truly pathetic and hard to interpret.
Aside from these pathetic features the plot is fairly good. Seeing as it's based on the War, a vast and common topic which lots of people like to watch, and enjoy. However, overall the film is horrendous mainly because of the sadness and depression.
I found this review not helpful because...its mostly criticizes it instead of like telling people what its like
Value For Money
I Think Goodnight Mister Tom Is A Lovely Book And
I think goodnight mister Tom is a lovely book and film i just wish they put more of Zack in the film.
Value For Money
Goodnight Mr Tom Goodnight Mr Tom
Goodnight Mr Tom
Goodnight Mr Tom is an emotional rollercoaster that tells the tale of an abused boy, William, being evacuated to the countryside when World War two breaks out. Mr Oakley is assigned William but is this a suitable match? Mr Oakley, aka Mr Tom, soon realises that William hasn't been to school and can't read, right and is scared of...
William meets another boy called Zach, one of the evacuees from London as well, they are best friends but when Zach goes back to London William has some upsetting news. William is sent back to London to see his apparently 'unwell' mother gets some rather surprising news.
The filming and camerawork is of a suitable standard for a film that was made in that period of time, I think this because the scenes aren't too busy as it always studies on the person that is talking. The lighting is good because sometimes you find with older films you find they are very dark and fuzzy. The pacing is at a good speed but it doesn't have the wow factor which it should have, the producer should have thought considerably more about putting across tragedies in a way that grabs you. He could have done this by making them go slower and the pleasant happenings more enthusiastic instead of slow and miserable. All you need for these technical points to come through is a more experienced and knowledgeable director a well thought out script which means it wouldn't be too complex or too simple, this would mean that mature children and adults could enjoy the movie even more.
I found this review very helpful because... It help me understand how to write a review also i found it very interesting because it different give a way to much of the film/book and i abosoulutely loved the film and reading the book it just shows you how much life has changed thankyou very much for helping me understand this review also help me with my history homewok so many thanks , cassie greves
Value For Money
Really Gd And Moving Iwould Reccomend This Film To
really gd and moving Iwould reccomend this film to my friends because they would find it really moving.
Value For Money
My Thoughts On The Film Are Very Good Because I Th
My thoughts on the film are very good because i thought it was very emonatal when he saw all the scars on his back
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