True Lies

True Lies

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True Lies

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True Lies
4 2 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Of Humour And Does A Good Job At Being The Stereot

of humour and does a good job at being the stereotypical muscle bound superspy but has family problems. On the action front, most of which is toward the end of the film, he fares well not letting his age get to him. There's still something about shooting lots and lots of miscellaneous henchmen with automatic weapons that's really appealing. You'd think that Arnie would be tired of it by now but its the thing that he does best: blow sh*t up!

Jamie Lee Curtis provides a sexy edge to conservative office worker, Helen Tasker. She definitely doesn't want to age gracefully and doesn't mind getting stuck in on the action, performing many of the stunts herself including the spectacular holding onto Schwarzenegger's hand for dear life as the limo she's in plummets off the end of a destroyed bridge. Not a stunt woman but Jamie! She is convincing as both the bored housewife and when Harry inadvertently has to drag her through one of his high-risk bullet bonanza adventures.

Tom Arnold is good as sidekick/partner Gibson. He delivers the right amount of humour without overwhelming the scene with his usually annoying presence. But happy to find out, he doesn't annoy in this film providing a good chemistry for Schwarzenegger and himself to work with leading to some amusing bickering but never verges into that dodgey realm of 'buddy comedy' as it provides a surprising amount of wit.

Art Malik plays a convincing terrorist warlord, some doubt may be cast over this film and its content because of its terrorist theme, especially in these troubled times. There was a "True Lies 2" waiting to be green lit but Cameron decided to abandoned the project after 9/11. When 9/11 occurred, James Cameron was out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean filming his IMAX Titanic documentary "Ghost's Of The Abyss". Anyway, Art is convincing and makes for a menacing villain with a spot on accent and evil looks about him.

Bill Paxton ("Frailty", "Vertical Limit") is another good friend of James Cameron after doing such films as "Aliens" and having a small part in "The Terminator" as a punk who Schwarzenegger as the cyborg roughs up to get some clothes. He also features in "Titanic" and the documentary of the Titanic: "Ghost's Of The Abyss". His performance in "True Lies" as weedy car salesman Simon makes for some amusing moments. Such as Schwarzenegger hanging him over the edge of a very high drop in nothing but his underwear: "Would a spy pee himself, huh?". And before this, Tasker follows Simon over to his used car lot and decides to take a test drive in a fancy convertible. As they drive, Simon talks about the current woman he's 'working on' so to speak who just happens to be Tasker's wife, of course he doesn't know. Arnie has the fantasy of rendering Simon unconscious via a single blow to the head with his fist. Paxton plays the pathetic character well and you are looking forward to when you see him again in the film after said memorable moments.

Eliza Dushku ("Wrong Turn", TV's "Tru Calling") plays the quiet daughter of Harry and Helen well and it is pleasing to see that a child star such as Dushku has made it into adult acting without too many problems. Tia Carrere also gets a mention as seductive terrorist bad girl, Juno Skinner. She has all the sex appeal of any villainous Bond temptress.

Writer/Director James Cameron ("Terminator", "Terminator 2", "Aliens", "The Abyss") has had some help with his script but it doesn't deter in usual Cameron quality control. Originally called "La Totale!" written by Simon Michael, Claude Zidi and Didier Kaminka, Cameron decided to adapt this foreign screenplay into his own, making it his first attempt at comedy. But it is not the comedy that takes centre stage in this film, the humour in this film isn't exactly laugh out loud stuff so don't expect it. It also doesn't come in frequent measure and therefore isn't really a comedy, but there are some things to laugh at. The action sequences don't exactly take centre stage either until the film finds its rhythm. We get a typical spy mission at the beginning of the film, infiltrating a snow-covered chateau in the hills of Europe, tuxedos, tango and sniffer dogs.

The action, when Cameron gets round to it, is spectacular and is hard not to notice. Such set pieces include Schwarzenegger blowing away room loads full of people via a Harrier Jump Jet and chasing Salim Abu Aziz through the city at night feature some incredible stunts. The action gives a certain intensity, which is never really been seen in Cameron's previous work, arguably this is one of Cameron's more accomplished and satisfying films but surely this cannot beat the likes of "T2"? Each to their own I suppose, I prefer "Terminator 2" myself (see review). Cinematographer Russell Carpenter ("The Negotiator", "Charlie's Angels", "Titanic") captures James Cameron's epic scope well and blends numerous tones and textures in the film to really bring out the film's numerous locations. It is a spy film after all

The score is spine tingling orchestral sound pumping into the action scenes to great greater excitement. By means of non-original music, soundtrack, it seems a little thin although it doesn't really matter. Although the Bee Gees get to have an appearance with 'More Than A Woman' if that's what you crave. It being a spoof film in effect, it doesn't really feel like one. There are no Bond-esque gadgets apart from stuff that already exists, tracking devices etc. Cameron merely takes the classic spy concept and leaves his mark on it, it doesn't really try to pretend to be something else, which is what probably makes it so enjoyable.


"True Lies" is a fine action picture with a twist of romantic comedy, fortunately not of the Hugh Grant variety. Schwarzenegger is on top muscular form and proves who he can still kick ass. After ten years the film doesn't feel dated as there are many issues concerned with the film that are still relevant today, perhaps even more relevant now than in 1994. A griping film that deserves your attention, maybe not one for the ladies but definitely for the lads especially when Jamie Lee Curtis gets a little blue with her attempt at exotic dancing. Recommended.

"Fast, flashy, furious and funny. True Lies is a terrific film" - People Magazine


TIME APPROX: 135 minutes


strong violence

some sexual references

some bad language


Terminator 2: Judgement Day - Arnie & Jimbo's best film ever with some superb special effects and memorable one liners: Hasta la vista baby


Value For Money

True Lies Is Probably One Of Arnie's Better Films,

True Lies is probably one of Arnie's better films, which isn't saying much. It's no coincidence that he does best when playing cyborgs that have no emotion, but assuming he can't just reprise that role for ever then this sort of thing is probably his best bet. Not too serious and well supported by some a good cast of supporting actors, this will help you kill a couple of hours...

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