Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
4.58 19 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Great Adventure Movie

I find all films of the series very funny and entertaining, but The Curse of The Black Pearl is my favourite.


Value For Money

Johnny Depp Is A Great

Its not his best, but you cant go wrong with johnny depp movie. I enjoyed this alot and recommend to all.

Gregg P


Value For Money

Good Adventure Movie

I find this part the best one of the 3.. Very good for the adventure movie genre! Definitively have to watch it in Cinema Theater, not at home!


Value For Money

Good Time And Im Sure It Will Have Enourmous Follo

good time and im sure it will have enourmous followers if they decide to release another part of this movies..........unbelivable sequences and tremendous fighting abilities have some kind of advantages for this film.and themagicfactor for this film is extrodinary


Value For Money

It Is An Awesome Movie. 100% Value Of Money. Johnn

It is an awesome movie. 100% value of money. johnny depp worked so cool i love his acting.The actress is too beautiful and i would love to give all over 100%


Value For Money

Seem As Though I'm Getting Used To Writing Film Op

Seem as though I'm getting used to writing film opinions now I decided that it was about time to try my luck at a fairly recent one I have seen. I'm sure you've all heard of it, as there have been many TV advertisements and hype about it that it would be difficult not to have heard of it. It is of course, Pirates of the Caribbean.

*** A little about the film ***

With it's strong cast and fantastic crew, Pirates of the Caribbean was destined to be a major hit within the UK. There has been a lot of hype about the film and it's made by no other than 'Walt Disney'. Walt Disney have of course brought us films such as 'Cinderella', 'Beauty and the Beast', 'Bambi', and 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'. Their films are mainly aimed at children but with this one it seems they have expanded their target age group to suit a wider audience.

My god I just read that back to myself and I think I sounded like an expert reviewer lol. It's amazing what you can say when you think about it! But don't worry I'm sure this little bit of maturity will quickly dissapear again into my usual dense self-lol.

*** Cast and Crew ***

The most important people I should talk about first are the crew. The people that actually put the work into getting the film as we see it on our screens. Obviously it would take too long to mention everyone but the main people that have worked on the film are:

** Director **

Gore Verbinski is the man that we should thank if we enjoyed this film because he is the wonderful man that directed it. Now he hasn't had the longest of careers yet but he still has movies such as 'The Mexican' and 'The Ring' to be proud of. An interesting fact about him is that he used to be the guitarist in a punk band called the 'Daredevils' I bet you never knew that!

** Producer **

This film was produced by Jerry Bruckheimer who has an impressive film history including 'Bad Boys II', 'Kangaroo Jack', 'Pearl Harbour' and 'Armageddon'. He is respected in his field and with all the award winning films he has produced,it comes as no surprise that this film has become as big as it has with him on the team.

So there you have it, two of the people you should thank for the film. Now onto the cast and a little about the parts that they play:

. Johnny Depp : Jack Sparrow

. Orlando Bloom : Will Turner

. Geoffrey Rush : Barbossa

. Kiera Knightley : Elizabeth Swann

. Jack Davenport : Norrington

. Jonathan Pryce : Governor Weatherby Swann

. Lee ArenBerg : Pintel

. Mackenzie Crook : Ragetti

. Damien O'Hare : Lt. Gillette

. Giles New : Murtogg

. Angus Barnett : Mullroy

. David Bailie : Cotton

. Michael Berry Jr : Twigg

. Isaac C. Singleton Jr : Bo'sun

. Kevin McNally : Joshamee Gibbs

Now I don't usually list the whole cast because I find it's too long if I do that but this time I made an exception because it was quite a large cast throughout the film. The main actors however as you can probably guess are Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey Rush and Kiera Knightley. Usually I would now tell you a little about the cast's characters, but because the cast list was a little longer I thought it would be best if I just describe them a little in the film's plot description. So if you're ready, let's move onto what the film is all about, after all that is what you're here for.*** The Plot ***

The film starts off with Elizabeth Swann as a little girl on a ship out with her father and his crew. They find a boy floating on a piece of wood and immediately pull him ashore unconscious. Elizabeth is around the same age as the boy and so she takes it upon herself to look after him until he gains consciousness. When she sees him she notices that he has a necklace around his neck. It is like a medallion with a pirate sign engraved in it. She quickly takes it off him before he gains consciousness because she feels that he will be treated badly if he is found out to be a pirate.

This however she later learned was a big mistake. The next part of the film goes on to show Elizabeth grown up as a young woman and she wakes up from a nightmare. The story goes on to reveal that her father is trying to get her married to a highflying guy called Norrington. It's one of those classic things where the father/mother wants their daughter to marry a rich, successful man and the daughter doesn't really have much say in the matter. Anyway Norrington's plan to marry Elizabeth goes pear shaped when Jack Sparrow comes along.

It turns out that Barbossa, captain of the black pearl, stole the ship from Jack and now Jack wants to get it back. He goes to Elizabeth's town to steal a ship so that he can go and find the black pearl. He gets found out as a pirate though and he ends up saving Elizabeth's life when she falls into the sea during a pretty funny scene with her and Norrington. There is a big joke with Elizabeth about the corset she has to wear, she apparently can't breathe while wearing it and she keeps passing out every time she does wear it.

Shortly after he has saved her life however, Jack threatens her life in order to escape. He succeeds for a moment and hides away in an old looking blacksmiths building. Will turner turns up though and gives an impressive swordfight with him and, thanks to him, Jack is captured. Jack is put in a cell but not for long as the black pearl is coming, only not for him. It is coming for Elizabeth because she has the gold medallion and as we find out later the pirates need that medallion in order to break a curse on them. You see the black pearl isn't any ordinary ship. It is a ship that can't be seen, a ghost ship.

I won't spoil it and say how the curse came about but I will say that the pirates need the blood of the person who took the medallion. They manage to eventually get it from Elizabeth only to find that it isn't her blood they need, it's actually Will's because he is the guy that she took the gold from.

There's another twist in the story because it wasn't actually Will that took the gold it's his father who was once a well known pirate and because he is now dead, the blood has now got to come from his only son Will. But will they get the blood and lift the curse?

Now I aren't going to give away any more of the plot apart from my favourite scenes. I will say however that Jack sparrow plays a big part, well actually he plays the biggest part and although I didn't mention him much above, he does have some amazingly good scenes. It is hard to tell during the film whether or not Jack is actually helping Will or whether he is against him and Elizabeth. He does surprise us though at the end and there's a big twist with him near the end, which I will not give away in case some people haven't seen it.

*** My favourite scenes ***

I thought to make it more interesting I would add some of my favourite scenes for you just to see why I enjoyed it so much.

One of my favourites has to be when Elizabeth fell off a high building while chatting to Norrington. He was telling her how beautiful she was and how he wanted someone like her as a wife. He turned around to face her and she'd gone. It really was quite funny and definitely worth putting on my favourites list.

Another good scene I thought was when Elizabeth was on the pirate ship on her way to give blood, and she found out that all the pirates on the ship were actually ghosts and they appeared in their true form at night under the moonlight. Even the monkey was a ghost and rotten to the core.

My last favourite scene is when Jack Sparrow was introduced. He was pretty funny and played the part of a cheeky pirate really well. He just made me laugh from start to finish.

*** Extra Features on the DVD***

The advantages of owning the DVD are that you get extra features with the film. You get two dvd's with this film. One being the film itself and the other being the features. The features you get are as follows:

. Epic at sea

. Diaries

. Fly on the set

. Blooper Reel

. Pirates in the park

. Below Deck

. 19 deleted scenes

. Moonlight serenade

. Image Gallery

. DVD Rom (enhanced computer features)

I haven't watched a lot of them because quite frankly I never do. I did find that the deleted scenes were quite good in comparison to some other films. Most of the other features though are apparently a lot like documentaries. So from what I have seen I can say that they are average in terms of how features go.

*** Runtime and certificate ***

This film runs for a whole of 143 minutes which I have to say are really worth it. It is classed as a 12 in the UK and I'd say that is a good age to have it at as it has a lot more humour in it than anything else.

*** My overall opinion ***

I really enjoyed this film, as it wasn't at all like I was expecting it to be. I thought it would be scary and gory like 'Ghost Ship' but it was nothing like that. It had a lot of humour in it and it had a lot of twists and turns keeping me on the edge of my seat all the way through. I loved the ending and I'd say this is one of my favourite films along with 'Bringing down the house' and 'Terminator 3'.

So would I recommend it to potential buyers? Definitely! This is one I am going to keep in my collection for a long time to come and one I will be able to watch over and over again.


Value For Money

Its Awesome! I Would Tell Anyone To Watch This. It

its awesome! I would tell anyone to watch this. It is very good if you like pirates and romance. I would watch every one of them if i could. at some points it would make you laugh cry or even smile. Watch curse of the black pearl, at worlds end, and dead mans chest. They are awesome to watch. They will keep you laughing. Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom look very hot and sexy when in character and Keira Knightly is an exceptional actress.


Value For Money

Easy Plot To Follow! Great Actresses And Actors!!!

Easy plot to follow! Great actresses and actors!!! Good story line! Some funny one liners to keep you giggling!!! Its a film you can watch over and over again without being bored of it!!!


Value For Money

Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black P

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl is by far the best film of the trilogy. I went to see this by accident as the film we had chosen was full. What a great surprise. I loved Johnny Depp's portrayal of a slightly offbeat pirate with (sometimes) a heart of gold. It is crazy in a keystone cops sort of way and the special effects are brilliant. It's an entertaining romp across the ocean with lots of action and twists in the story.

Helen of Troy

Value For Money

I Am Writing This Review After Watching Both This

I am writing this review after watching both this and the follow on, Dead Man's Chest, so I have to give this a 10/10, being what I consider to be the better film of the two so far. It was screened on TV over Christmas, and watching it again just confirmed it for me.

Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow is excellent. His crackpot humour, his weird funny running strides and his obvious good looks make Pirate of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Back Pearl a must watch film. The Special effects were brilliant, with skeletons and things running around, and a very odd monkey! The film is not only very funny in places, it is also very exciting as the plot unfolds.

When you have watched this, you will be dying to get your hands on the second film, Dead Man's Chest. Again it is a must watch after you have seen this first one, though not quite up to expectations. I can't wait until the third Pirates film is released though! I'll bet that will be a cracker of a film!


Complete tosh! But enjoyable.

Cult Fiction

Completely agree with everything stated - good review!

Helen of Troy

Didn't it just! That's a good way to make you want to see it even more! I will have to wait for the DVD again to see the third one so will be eagerly awaiting the reviews here when it is released in the Cinemas!


Loved this one, the second one was a bit weak mind, I thought it was gonna end with some real significance, instead blatantly introduced the third!

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