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Value For Money

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5 1 user review

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Drivehub Wheel Adapter

I spent forty minutes writing an in depth review only for the censor to object to 'you ess' and lose all the text I wrote as it blanked it despite saying correct it. Doh! , so this is a less in depth review than first planned.

If you have an old force feedback wheel like a dfgt or g27, it will not work with a ps4. Sony in their infinite wisdom chose to start making manufacturers licence their products for compatibility. As a result older wheels, despite being in working order and fully capable of operating on a ps4 are blocked by the inclusion of software that checks if any given peripheral is authorised to work with the ps4.

Microsoft have a similar system in place so only those wheel manufacturers who front the money to be allowed to have their wheel works on an xbox can actually make them do so.

Then there is the obvious situation that even a current generation gaming wheel is locked to formats too. The t300 for example will work on a pc or a ps4 (and a ps3 in fact) but cannot communicate with an xbox. Thristmaster make alternate wheels for xbox that similarly do not work with ps4. Its a sad state of affairs really and does nothing useful for the purchasing public. None of this is the fault of the wheel manufacturers, they want to sell you a wheel if they can and would likely love multi format options, but as long as console manufacturers lock out peripherals its a situation thats staying.

For the ps4, racing games were slow to get to the machine, at least good ones anyway. As such it meant getting a wheel wasn't a major priority. Project cars to me was the first game that made a wheel feel truly necessary. Though I am sure many rally gamers and f1 gamers jumped in earlier. Now we have pcars 2, gran turismo and more to take advantage of wheels.

But as I already said, those older wheels gathering dust with the ps3 in the cellar were no use as they did not work with the ps4.

that lack of ps4 racing titles may well have prompted some to jump ship and go to xbox for their racing fix, with titles like forza still having a strong following. But still theres that wheel conundrum, and if you have both xbox and ps4, are you really going to fork out a shedload of money for two decent wheels? Probably not.

Enter the drivehub. At its core, its an adapter that allows those old wheels to work with a ps4 (or xbox1), but thats not all. It allows a large number of force feedback wheels to operate exactly as they were built to perform (with the caveat that the led shifter lights on a wheel built for playstation will not work on an xbox as the xbone has nothing to drive the keds in its code) with wheels built for either console now working on either platform. So, you have a t300 built for playstation? Use it on an xbox one. You have an old tfgt built for playstation 3 that wont natively work with a ps4? With drivehub, use it on xbox1 or ps4.

At its simplest that about covers it. But the little box is chock full of clever jiggery pokery that allows a lot of wheels to work with either console and with minimum fuss. Even accessories like the th8a are supported via the usb accessory port if the drivehub (th8a has to be in its own usb port to work, not plugged into a t300 base).

How does it work? Well lets use a ps4 wheel on an xbox1. You plug your usb lead from the wheel into the dtivehub. You plug your xbox1 gamepad into the drivehub (you need a data/charge cable for this one, a charge cable alone wont do so the cable you got when you bought a playstation is no use as its just a charge cable only). Finally you plug the drivehub into the xbox one. Turn the xbox on and tadah, wheel detected and working properly. All buttons working and all force feedback working as it should, along with pedals working as they should too obviously.

Using an older wheel with a ps4, same scenario. Wheel to hub. Playstation controller to hub. Hub to ps4 and theres your wheel working as it should. In the case of the t300 as the example here, it doesnt matter which wheel you use on the t300 base as they are all catered for and all buttons work.

A few minutes online is all it takes to find the drivehub and the name cronusmax will often be first in the list as they are the most well known supplier.

Based in America (or the you-ess, not falling for that again) means that for united kingdom buyers the costs can get painful fast. Cronusmax sell the drivehub for around 65-70 pounds. But then they add postage at 22 pounds, then the probability that english customs and the post office will end up charging you, with the post office standing 8-10 pounds charge for handling, and the import duties levied on top, this becomes expensive fast. American buyers fair considerably better for that reason. Though with cronusmax its often on backorder

All is not lost though, the unit is not made by cronusmax, merely sold through them. A little searching will find the actual manufacturer and they always have one in stock. Though they sell it at ninety pounds, but tht includes postage. However, still america, so still customs charges for england.

Finally,mthere is an englisg supplier. Cost? Ninety pounds (check the forums as there are often discounts, mine was 80 pounds for tht very reason). But being an english supplier means no nasty customs surprises. What you pay at checkout is all you pay.

Is it worth the money? Yes. Big time. Being able to use older wheels for those that have them is a huge bonus meaning that ninety (80?) pounds is Perhaps considerably less than half of the cost of a current gen wheel. Then there are those who bought expensive wheels but changed formats so lost the use of their wheel. There are a great many scenarios where this little box can at the very least save youbuying a new wheel when you were happy with the one you had.

With the release of the xbox onex, I can see the xbox1s dropping price soon and second hand being a very good deal indeed. For those racers on playstation who fancy playing forza be it f5, f6, f7, fh3? The fact they can use their playstation wheel is likely to bea huge boon and make the purchase of an xbox1 and some older second hand games into a much more palatable scenario. As anyone who has used a wheel will tell you, going back to a controller is painful and a lot less enjoyable.

The drivehub works well. Force feedback effects work well and its a worthwhile consideration over replacing stuff you already bought that worked fine before corporate greed disabled them. Sure its not cheap, but its a lot cheaper than buying yet another wheel solely for what is in reality a software block. That high cost lost it a star, but the fact it works well means cost aside, its brilliant.

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