Mass Effect 2 (PS3)
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Value For Money
Mass Effect 2 (PS3)
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User Reviews
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Value For Money
Mass Effect 2 Review
Mass Effect 2, one of the most high anticipated games in the past 5 years, coming from a developer like Bioware you know it's going to be good, if your familiar with their other games. This game will not disappoint, the PS3 version has its problems but it's still a very enjoyable game for all platforms, and I can defiantly say YOU NEED THIS GAME if your a fan of RPGs, 3rd person shooters, or anywhere in between.
The gameplay is your typical 3rd person shooter style, the whole shoot, take cover, shoot thing. Shooting and taking cover is basically what you will be doing 80% of the time the other percent of the time you'll be talking to crew members, reading messages, upgrading your ship, guns, armor, making relationships with your crew, and of course exploring the Normandy. Now when I said most of the game is shooting and covering, don't take that the wrong way, between the great arsenal of weapons that range from combat pistols to heavy duty missile launchers, you will always be thinking of different ways to use them, because the AI is actually very smart and if you just stay in the same spot all day shooting guys, other enemies will try to sneak around and flank you and get you from behind so your always moving and on your toes. You have different abilities set to each of the Six classes, Adept, Soldier, Engineer, Vanguard, Sentinel, Infiltrator. Each class lets you play the game a different way, for instance the Infiltrator can go in cloaked and invisible to enemies and flank them, and/or attack them from different places without getting shot while moving to cover. Your crew also has these skills and can help if you keep your team balanced where no one has the same skills, so you will be ready for anything.
The graphics in this game are top notch for its time and still stand out today, sometimes while talking to my crew I could barely tell it wasn't a real person standing there, so yes the visuals are excellent in Mass Effect 2, from the dusky atmosphere of poor cities, to the high tech clean look of the interior of the Normandy, you will get lost in its beauty. But there is one part of the game where I actually became mad at Bioware for not fixing this problem, theres a vehicle mission about half way through the game, you control a land hovering ship and you go around and shoot things with rockets, jump over objects with its boosters, etc. but that wasn't the problem, the around 20 different places in the vehicle part of the the game where you can actually fly right in to the ground without any effort and fly underground, theres invisible walls that aren't shaped close to the visible walls so you will be hitting a wall that you can see thats like sticking out 4 (in real life) inches from the wall that you can see, I was VERY disappointed with Bioware for this, I do know this happens on PS3 I'm not sure about 360, PC, but I will find out. But other that that short 30 min mission, the rest of the game is top notch.
From the sound of a assault rifle blasting at a Geth soldier to the bass hammering at the After Life club, you will hear some great sound in this title. I found myself going to the After Life club in ME2 just to listen to the music, it feels like your in the club with Sheppard and his crew. Its just not the guns and music that stand out, your enemy makes sounds as well and listening to them as they run around on fire screaming sends a chill of enjoyment down your spine, or hearing the chatter of 2 soldiers guarding a locations, listening to your surroundings can tell you where your enemies are. The voice acting is a great addition too, the same actors are in this title as they were in Mass Effect 1 as well as some new faces and they do a great job at making you feel like your actually talking to them yourself, each characters voice fits his/her personality and just goes well with how they look too.
Verdict -
For any RPG and/or 3rd person shooter fan, you must try this game, I finished it in around 35 hours by doing all the story and side quests, doing the main story will take around 15 hours, but you should do the side quests if you reall want to experience the whole game. If your just wanting this game to play and finish, I suggest you rent it, cause its not that long, but long enough for you to enjoy what it offers.
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