Logic 3 5 port ps3 USB extension

Logic 3 5 port ps3 USB extension

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Logic 3 5 port ps3 USB extension

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Logic 3 5 port ps3 USB extension
5 1 user review

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For Those Who Followed The Ps3 From The Start, You

For those who followed the PS3 from the start, you will be aware that the original UK model came with 4 USB ports on the front of the machine. Two of the ports were removed from later revisions as well as the backwards compatibility of PS1 and PS2 games. Losing backwards compatibility was one thing, but the loss of USB ports in an era where USB is now used extensively by so many pieces of equipment is somethig I will never understand. 2 USB ports are not enough. There are a number of USB hubs on the market and all do pretty much the same task. They give you more ports so that you can charge multiple controllers, headset, keypads and various other items you may wish to keep rerady for use. Some even use a USB cable to charge their mobile phone whilst playing. So what to get as a port expander? Logic 3 (in my opinion) make the best port expander for the PS3. It should be said at this point, that the unit is designed exclusively for the 'Big Box' PS3 and not the newly released slimline model. To look at the unit, it is shaped to fit the area of the USB ports exactly. On the rear of the unit it has 2 USB male plugs that obviously go in the 2 female sockets on the front of the PS3, along with 5 USB female sockets on the front. Once pushed firmly home, it looks ike it was always there. It butts up perfectly to the angles of the PS3 main unit. The advantage of this is that there is no free play in any direction so there is no transfer of movement to the orignial 2 sockets whilst you are plugging and unplugging cables to and from the logic 3 unit. The front of the unit provides one USB port directly in line where the originals were, along with a further 4 slightly offset to the right. 5 USB sockets in total are now available for use (the original PS3's 2 sockets obviously hidden and used by the logic 3 device). Fitment of the unit takes 2 seconds and is as simple as plugging it in and job done. In this age of USB, the device is a real asset to any user who has cursed the lack of USB's on the PS3.

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