Metroid: Zero Mission
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Metroid: Zero Mission
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User Reviews
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Metroid Zero Mission Is An Amazing Game. Much Of T
Metroid Zero Mission is an amazing game. Much of the design has been revived from the original Metroid game, but don't expect a rehash. The maps have been redrawn to make use of additional controls, such as ledge grasping and wall jumping. Beyond the Mother Brain exists unfamiliar territory on the world of Chozodia, on which Samus begins stripped of her armor and weaponry, except for a standard-issue pistol, and must earn her armor back by infiltrating the Space Pirates' base. The graphics could be improved with a greater color depth - currently, the small range forces distractingly bright colors. Despite this small setback, Zero Mission earns a ten out of ten.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
My Good Points Are That It Is A Fun Game To Earn B
My good points are that it is a fun game to earn blings and if you don't have the money to go shopping in real life you can always go shopping on Bratz! Also you get to travel all over the world! My Bad points are that it can have some glitches and take a long time to load up games. Also there is no help given along the way! I really liked this game and it brought me closer to Brat. I would definitely by another Brat game!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Metroid: Zero Mission Is An Awesome Game, For The
Metroid: Zero Mission is an awesome game, for the Game Boy Advance, every Metroid player should play this in my opinion as it has the best graphics, the most entertaining gameplay. Fun for all, well recommended!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Metroid: Zero Mission Is The Best Gba Game I Have
Metroid: Zero Mission is the best GBA game I have ever played and I hope they make more good games like it, I hope they come out with a new and even better metroid game, I know for sure that I will buy it.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Metroid: Zero Mission On The Gba Is The Best Game
Metroid: Zero Mission on the GBA is the best game ever! Well, at least until I beat it. This game may not be as action packed as Metroid Fusion, but this game without doubt has the better graphics of the two, and you'll be playing it longer than Metroid Fusion for sure. If you don't, sue me. But that would be awfully silly because it's just my opinion.
This game takes place in the original Metroid from NES. If you've played the NES version, and just started playing this game, you'll see what I mean right away. Like that Morph Ball, for instance. It's right over to the left in NES Metroid. Well, it's also on the left in Metroid Zero Mission.
But in this game, there's a slight twist compared to the NES Metroid. After you beat Mother Brain, rather than mission accomplished, you're chased down by space pirates. But you don't have your suit with you as this happens. You're uselessly armed with a pistol that can charge up and stun space pirates.
Depending on your successfulness at the end of the game, you could possibly unlock the original Metroid version on your own GBA or SP. This I'm looking forward to because I've played the NES Metroid before and I would like to compare the difficuty levels on each game console.
In total, the game is short but is well worth the money (don't think you shouldn't get it because it's short). My reccomendation to you is get off your lazy butt and go get this game. Kapish? Good. Now stop reading this review and go get this game. Especially you, Metroid fans.
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