Kobo Mini eReader
Value For Money
Kobo Mini eReader
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User Reviews
Value For Money
Kobo Mini Tell It Like It Is
I bought this Epub reader from WHSmit** 10 days ago. I was given a quick demo by the manager. It was a bit new to me and I thought it would be a good purchase and I mentioned that I would like to put pdf files onto it, like circuit diagrams or pages from a repair manual etc plus read a book etc!
I found it difficult to set up but thats just me. The fonts could be altered and the size and word spacing adjustment was ok.
What I didn't bargain for was lack of contrast adjustment ( which the Nintendo Gameboy!!! ) had years ago (my childrens, not mine). You need GOOD DAYLIGHT or really WELL LIT artificial light to use it!
I downloaded one of very few free games from the Kobo site using their software but had no interest in the range of pay for it books, or in any of the very limited choice of free reads.
Looking at other comments I've seen it can handle more formats, but from what I've found, extra conversion software is required, I downloaded their free recommended which was OK and I would have kept it till the "buggy" keypress occured, this may be just me, but after 10 days I returned it, it was a downhill experience, my fingers pressing repeatedly on the same spot just to make a link or alter a choice left me feeling disgusted with my choice of Ereader.
It can connect you to the internet, it will need expanding on the magnification when you do unless you have excellent eyesight, this limits your browsing, if you can get on with Google sign-in, however you can get past this and you will eventually get Eba* but it will be like walking through treacle.
This item was reduced from £59.99 to £29.99
So £30.00 less and what appears to me a case of simply unloading of a pile of old tosh that doesn't make the grade onto an unsuspecting public, hopeful of a getting a cheap bargain. The Kobo forum has many questions being asked etc , with use a system reset and so forth, I say take it back and demand a refund if youre not As Happy as a Lark with it.
I've decided to buy an Android tablet, less than £100 and am in the process of looking at other reviews instead. Hope this helps someone, I know I haven't gone into details about size, pixels , colour of plastic, but I'm sure that can be found elsewhere.
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