Leeds Railway Station, England
Easy to find
Leeds Railway Station, England
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User Reviews
Easy to find
Value For Money
Remember Not To Include Your Name Or Names Of Staf
Remember not to include your name or names of staff members. Go in to plenty of detail, talk about the key elements you like, was there anything you particularly didn't like about it? (50 characters minimum)
Value For Money
Lack Of Communication
Why when things go wrong (as with the 17:13 Harrogate last night) do they leave everyone in the dark?
Automated announcements are fine but only when everything is going well ... when it goes wrong it needs the Human touch, i.e. either a manual announcement 'here's the situation this is what the hundreds of bewildered passengers on platform 1 need to do' or a member of staff to go to the platform and tell people whats going on .. Common Sense?
Last night this could have prevented lots of people being confussed as to why their train left without them and when it came back it would have prevented everyone being stuffed onto one train when the other train which was running late was due to follow in a few minutes.
Just a bit of CUSTOMER CARE .. that's all it needs .. afterall we all accept things go wrong from time to time, but we just need informing what's going on ..
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