Honda X8R 50cc
Value For Money
Honda X8R 50cc
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User Reviews
Value For Money
Just Got My Honda X8rs And I Absolutely Love It! I
Just got my Honda x8rs and I absolutely love it! Incredibly reliable, it was stood for four years without even being turned over and after charging the battery it started first time! It's a very comfortable bike and quick too it will shoot upto 35mph in no time.
Also for those of you looking to derestrict your x8r I found out how to derestrict the cdi unit without buying one of those pricey aftermarket ones. What you need to do is open the front case, above the light there is a separate panel. Slightly underneath it there is something what looks like an air vent, there should be one screw holding the panel in place remove it and the small panel should slide off. Next to the battery you will see a little black box on the left hand side held in place by a rubber gromet that's your cdi unit. Pull the cdi out of the rubber grommet and detach the wire underneath. Now you've taken your cdi out turn it round so the White socket part is facing you. Now on the bottom left of the cdi unit opposite the White plug cut through the rubber about 5mm with a knife until you find a little copper wire don't worry if you don't find it straight away there's nothing else in there you can damage. Cut this wire and bend them apart. Now seal it with silicone to avoid the wire getting wet and possiblity of shorting out. Plug your cdi back in and put it back in the rubber grommet then put the panel back on. Your cdi is now derestricted! You should notice a difference of about 10mph. This will work on all versions of the x8r, x8rs and x8rx.
Mine woud only do 33mph before now it's pushing 45! Hope this helps and saves someone some money. If your not sure what the cdi box looks like just google it!
is the acceleration slow from 0-about 15mph ?
Increased speed from 30 to 40, so that is a help, anymore tips to get it a bit faster??? cheers mate...
Value For Money
Owned Mine Since May 2010 Road Legal In July
Owned mine since May 2010
Road legal in July 2010
Even to this day, not a problem with the engine.
Obvious wear and tear occured, throttle cable snapped.
Mines derestricted at the variator ring. Still got standard CDI and Exhaust and pulls 45 but piston is bouncing!
Pollini variator kit came with it, making it such a fast accelerating bike. Will Beat my Mates Neos with race clutch, 60mph sr50r and 55mph ay50
Expensive! Mine, on 02 Plate with 3000 miles when bought was 775, but it was absoutely imaculate!!
Good fun, brakes work well, good for stoppies, plenty of pull for wheelies and will spin the wheel in the wet!
Will be 17 in July 2011, even considered not getting a 125 and 70 kitting it, derestricted cdi and yasuni r exhaust, been told it will touch 65 MPH!
Value For Money
Amazing Bike, Mine Did 30,000 Miles Before It Died
AMAZING bike, mine did 30,000 miles before it died, new engine, and lovely, comfortable, sturdy. heavy, which makes it drink petrol, but when your sailing along at 40 it doesn't matter. £5 to brim it, not bad at today's prices.
big storage under the seat.
good looking.
high seat, no scraping heals, like other bikes.
quite wide, so makes putting in the shed awkward, but its too get to get stolen, and people would want to steal it.
really quiet, so you dont draw attention to yourself.
GREAT BIKE, buy one if you can find one!
Value For Money
Dont Bother Honestly Ive Had Nothin But Trou
Honestly Ive Had nothin But Trouble
first had to change both tyres as the split
then variator scored the bolt it spins on
then belt stretched itself so it made me lose speed
then CDI was derestricted but only let me do 40
constantly wondered why it didnt do what other sed theres did and basically mine was f'd
Selling it Now,
Value For Money
Hey This Is The Ped 4 You There Great 4 City Life
hey this is the ped 4 you there great 4 city life never let you down unless it runs out of fuel
if your just going on short durnays to the shop or sumthing its perfect
a mean i loved mine it just keeps on going plus its a honda so the engine is awsume but the best thing to do if you get derestrict it and wow
your sitting on a two wheeler formula 1 car lol
when you purcase one ask the owner
has he had any problems with it if he says yeh
dont buy it coz iot could have on going problems
find out what the tax and mot like
and make sure your not paying to much 4 it
trust me on this one
Value For Money
I Have Had My Moped Over 1 Year Now And Its Still
i have had my moped over 1 year now and its still like new i love it but now i am going to have to part withit to make way for my car i dontknowwhat price i would be askin for but could someone help its had £1161 worth ofwork on it including mot's and other bits and pieces its just had a newback tyer and battery so very safe and reliable so could smeone who knows more about he price range help me to sell at the right price?
Value For Money
Good Bike Fast Of The Mark And Confatball
good bike fast of the mark and confatball
Value For Money
Honda X8r 50cc - Amazing Moped It Was Easy To Find
Honda X8R 50cc - Amazing moped it was easy to find out how to de-rescricted once i got that done it hits 55-60mph.
it did cost me around 250 quid mark to do but its worth it only peds that catch me is the ones with a 70cc kit.
Amzing 1st bike for anyone, so easy to learn everything on it and about it.
Buy one!!
Value For Money
The Honda X8r 50cc Is An Excellent Runner And Also
The Honda X8R 50cc is an excellent runner and also a nice lookin and comfy bike
Value For Money
The Honda X8r 50cc Is A Good Runing Bike
The Honda X8R 50cc is a good runing bike
mine keeps overheating :/ i love my bike it has had a grand spe nt on the engin it is but it is slow now it keeps overheating sum times its fine it is verry fast but i want to know y it is doin it pleese help me :(
Why does my Honda x8rs only going 30kmp top speed and bogs at full rev but fine at half rev?