Euthymol Original Toothpaste

Euthymol Original Toothpaste

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Euthymol Original Toothpaste

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Euthymol Original Toothpaste
4.54 26 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Receding Gums Due To Smoking

I baught this Toothpaste from boots, simply because it was the only one that was fluoride free. To my amazement, the front of my gums that have been a dark colour for as long as i can remember, probably due to smoking, are starting to turn back to a healthy pink and the parts of my gums that have receded have slowly started to grow back. And this is also true for my partner, both of us are in amazement. Definitely recommend this for smokers.


Value For Money

The Best There Is!

I have used this tooth paste for years, but switched to other brands and soon developed sore gums.

Realised it was the toothpaste causing inflammation and some bleeding, I switched back and all problems resolved within 2 weeks.

Mouth feels fresh once again, no signs of any infection or pain.

I also have a gum pocket in a root canal that would bleed regularly. This has also completely cleared up.

I highly recommend this product.

Best of all, no fluoride!


Value For Money

Sad To See This Problem

I have used Euthymol for over 20 years, buying my annual supply either at Heathrow or from Amazon (I live on the west coast of Canada): it has been an excellent product.

The most recent supply arrived, indicating that the product was now distributed by Johnson & Johnson UK instead of Pfizer. The batch number is J1784R. Half way through the first tube, the paste has become thick: it is difficult to squeeze the paste onto the toothbrush. I have tried to let J&J know: the Canadian affiliate said they had no toothpaste product, and there was little interest in letting their UK colleagues know: and there is little information for contact in the UK. Perhaps this will attract their attention and make the necessary adjustments to a fine product?


How much does this product cost


Not What It Seems!

I used Euthymol for a long time and while I agree it make you're mouth feel clean and it's fluoride free which is good, I recently found it contains sodium lauryl sulphate which is not so good!


Value For Money

Euthadream Clean

euthomyl toothpaste .been useing it since the 80s .im now 43 .had 1 toothache in my life and never been dentist for 30 yrs .thanks to this toothpaste .and teeth are pearly white and strong .this toothpaste defently corrects tooth problems? as we know gum problems trapped food .all a major cause of dental health .this burns the rubbish out of your mouth .do we really need floride in toothpaste .ive never used it .my kids also use this toothpaste one 15 and one 23 and same again no dental trips .


Value For Money

Absolutely Amazing Product!

I couldn't advise anyone more to use this toothpaste its beyond amazing! And for anyone who can't get a hold of it anymore they sell it at boots! I purchased mine only 2 weeks ago and I'm in love with it couldn't imagine using another toothpaste after using Euthymol!


Value For Money

Too Damn Good

I don't know why so few shops sell Euthymol, it's a great toothpaste - simply the best- ok it makes your mouth sting a little, but really good stuff, why do good things like this get 'over swamped' by marketting, I got sick to the back teeth (:-0) seeing Colgate in every shop, tried Wilko's Tesco's Sainsburies, and Asda, as well as several Chemists, No Euthymol, just ship loads of Colgate.

Euthymol leaves your mouth feeling really fresh and zinging, also keeps your teeth white, I had to stoop to buying Beverly Hills Formula, which appears to have fairly good reviews, but this wont stop my ever search for the holy grail.


Value For Money

Dont Panic...........its Back

Stop panicing guys good news it back, check your local Superdrugs i manged to buy a few tubes today, the shelve was full at a nice price off under £2.00


Value For Money

Wow A Little Goes So Far For So Long.

I need my EUTHYMOL toothpaste cannot find it in any shop. Bring it back. No other toothpaste compares.

My teeth and mouth don't feel as fresh and clean without Euthymol. Please please bring it back on the market. I liked everything about Euthymol toothpaste. I don't like that I cannot buy it in shops now.


Shame Product Is Out Of Manufacture

Excellent product. Grew up with it and will sadly miss it

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My grandparents were born in 1879 and it was from them I learned to love Euthymol toothpaste. My question is when was it first invented and marketed ?


Does anyone know if Euthymol toothpaste contains mint?

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