Head2Hoof, Romsley, West Midlands

Head2Hoof, Romsley, West Midlands

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Head2Hoof, Romsley, West Midlands

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Head2Hoof, Romsley, West Midlands
3.41 17 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Head2hoof Closed

Head2hoof is no longer trading in Romsley


Mis Sold A Pony!

We bought our first pony from the person we dealt with at Head 2 hoof. The advert described him as a 'Family pony.' We bought him in December having fallen for the sob story that went with him and reassurances from the person herself that the advert was true and accurate as her reputation was at stake if she mis sold us a pony! Well we have sought help from various local experts, thinking that some of the problems we have encountered with the pony were down to our inexperience. From this we have discovered that the problem he has is deep rooted and nothing to do with us, it also appears that he is older than we were told and this doesn't match with the passport that apparently belongs to him. I know much of this could have been avoided if we had had vet checks and the reason for my post is that the person we dealt with has chosen not to speak with us about this despite us having tried to make contact with her and I don't want anyone else to fall into the same trap and make the mistakes that we have. Luckily only adults have been injured by this pony and not my very precious children. My children have lost all confidence with the pony, luckily we have a second pony who really is a family pony and are heartbroken that we are going to have to get rid of a pony that we have been totally mis sold! To the person we dealt with: good luck with the reputation, thanks for nothing!


Value For Money

A Great Riding School

I loved head2hoof when I was there sadly they moved so I would have to travel ages to get there miss u all have great imes t new yard from Aimee patchett love uxxxxxxxxxxxx


Value For Money

Not Shut Down, Still Trading!!!!

Head2Hoof has not been shut down and is still trading in Bromsgrove. There has never been any crulity and no horses have ever died. If anyone wants the full veterionary report, illustrating the healthy condition of every horse used in Riding School please contact Head2hoof via website.


Who wrote this


how can you even say that whn you can see the ribs of all the horses and tennage girls (BIG teenage girls may i add) are riding around on 11.2 ponies when they should be riding a minimum of 15.3hh i have even see a picture on face book where the poor 11.2hh ponie, dexter i think his name is, couldt even lift his legs over the jump because of the weight of the rider resulting in him falling. this crultly need to be stopped before a horse does die.


Value For Money

We Are The New Owners

we are hiring the menage out hourly,so if you do want to use the menage then pop into see me,from 9.15am onwards


Value For Money

Head2hoof Is Brilliant!

I learnt to ride at head2hoof about 3 years ago! I loved it there! The ponies are cheeky, but i love all of them to pieces. I used to help out on saturday, and i am so glad i did. i learnt all about horses, and how to do loads of horsey related stuff. At the start i didn't know anything but now i can do walk/trot/canter/gallop/jumping/ leg yielding/ how to extend and collect and more! Anna is also great with the younger kids, and you most always here them saying that they want another lesson. people have said that the horses looked thin and abused, on this website. I DISAGREE. Some of the horses had come from a bad home before she bought them. Anna trains them up and they become much better.

anna's horses are not 'push-button', and i say thats a good thing. How else will you learn to ride properly, to cope with all horsey situations?



Could my name be removed from this comment please


i bet anna bastable wrote this herself as anyone with 2 eyes can see that this is not the case!


I agreee with this review! the horses arn't dangerous and if u have any knowledge of horses you will know they are animals meaning all can be unpredictable at times!!!!! no need to say god help to stourton god help the sad people trying to put off people when we all have free choice and if u want to write a review no need to be abusive do it in a sivalised way.


I strongley disagree,the horses are very poor,except anna personal ones,children that get left in charge,got no idea on health and safety,god help stourton when it goes there,whos going to keep on the horses walfare,has they wont be on view like where they are now,so easy to keep an eye on and reprt to agencies,also i know for a fact anna left one tied up all day and night,with out wayer,shelter,till i phoned the rspca,bhs up.


i strongly disagree, there is a thin line beetween having chalanging ponys for more experienced rider and having plain dangerous ponys.


Value For Money

Not Good.

Really think twice if you are taking your children here. I took my child out of this school months ago as it was unsafe. The ponies are unpredictable and I witnessed too many accidents. The saddles are also all scruffy and they are sometimes taught by what look like unqualified staff and teenagers.


Its moveing to stourton,i believe


i totally agree with all these negative comments!!! no pony should have to share a saddle or wear several numnahs 2 make it fit!!a horses saddle moulds 2 the shape of its back so putting it on another will cause problems.glad its closed down but where is it now? the ponies r still sharing saddles and being neglected somewhere else!!! this riding school needs 2 b closed down 4 good!!!!!!


a saddle what ever the cost must fit correctly and be comfortable, just like us humans, a good pair of shoes that FIT are a must for a comfort, a saddle can look scuffy but fit well. but in this case were there was not enought saddles to go round ponies had to share with times several saddle cloths to make the saddle FIT this inst right. a horse that is been worked hard with begines to more experianced riders boncing around there back should have the mont spent and time put in o have a good saddle, after all they are the ones doing thr hard work and giving the ownes money in there pockets.


Like it or not ponies are animals, it's impossible to make sure that any lesson won't end with an accidents. If you fall off then you get back into the saddle. You go to a riding school to ride, if you want a dead donkey that does everything you say then you children won't learn how to ride properly.

Besides, a well fitted saddle costs over £100 sometimes and it stills works even if they abit old. If you want a stable wuth a new saddle each day then go and pay for it.


Head 2 hoof has had more visits from the rspca

bhs walfare officer,then i have had hot dinners.glad its closed down.


Value For Money

Head To Hoof Is A Great Riding School With Horses

Head to hoof is a great riding school with horses for lots of abilities. Most of the horses there started off life in not a very good state and have been abused. Anna takes them on and develops them into amazing horses that have experience in cross country, showjumping, mounted games and many other fields. These horses are then sold onto lovely homes to fulfill their potential. At Head 2 Hoof there is a wide range of lessons to suit you at VERY reasonable prices.In your lessons you may not ride the same horse every time, but this then gives you experience of different ponies and how they work, slow and fast, In the holidays there is activities to get you involved with the horses ... including Horse shows, Mounted games, Fast Hacks, Pick nick hacks, camps in the summer, Training days (dressage, showjumping and cross country competitions) and many more,,all of these activities give young and old more knowledge about horses and how they live, for example, learning about boots, rugs and bandages, learning about the stables, mucking them out and the field. Head 2 hoof is an excellent riding school and has taught me everything i need to know .


this has just made me laugh, after reading the new wed page for tis riding school, and been an EX client myself, it reads in the same manor as the wed page, to me any way, you would think the same person has wriote it ot at least involved with the business.

to say the horse have been abused piror to ariving at the school wouldnt make me happy if i was the person who supplied and sold the horses to this business. isnt that slander i dont no......!!!!!!! and is it really wize as the above reviwer said the were aduzed so have issues, to have beginers on them, i wouldnt be happy if i had a child on bord one of these would you.

Also in referance to another comment of course kids will want to have another lesson, they alays do, they dont see danger like an adult.


this revieww reads just like there web page, forgive me if i think the owner has wriiten it, but the wording content the hole feel of it sounds just like there home page. suprising what you see through rose tinned glasses.

have you seen the road you have to go up to get to any hacking you must be joking the cars do 60mph up it, ive riden for years and i would not ride up there, let alone allow a child.

and if this person has learnt every thing they need to no about horses, from just one place then it carnt be much.


Value For Money

Beware As This School Is Not Bhs Registered. The H

Beware as this school is not BHS registered. The horse are too thin and not looked after very well. If you are experienced, you will end up looking after the little ones on a hack with no canters.  The person in charge will also put you on ponies too small to carry your weight. This is a good example of how riding schools should not be!!


In response to this review i would just like to say many riding schools are not BHS registered. There are actually only about 3 i know... the rest are not. And helping out is actually a very good way to further your education with horses ect and riding different size ponies helps allot and if the horses are moving with u on top then u are not too big. Ponies are often a lot harder to ride so u should be gratefull she thinks u are advanced enough to ride them.


Value For Money

It Is The Best Riding School I Have Ever Seen The

It is the best riding school i have ever seen the people are very friendly and all the horses are very well behaved and do as you ask there is a variaty in all the lessons try out new things all the time!! Good sized arena very good instructor and its a very safe place where you can learn to ride properly! There is a good amount of people on the lessons and a good amount of space and horses of all differant sizes and also beginers horses and experienced riders horses too!


standard size school could be bigger when you have ten horses in the 2 lesson either end on a 20m circle the advert stated no more then 4,

instructor below par may have there first teaching cer but not great, always on phone sittin in the corner with a bloke.

not tat safe as kids with whips to get the horses going, shouldt the instructor be in the centre givig support with a lung whip when needed,

o and the dogs that come and run round or just lye in the school during a lesson. horses can spook at any thing, and with beginers on borad not safe. so i stoped having m lesson

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