Hardys Stamp Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon

Hardys Stamp Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon

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Value For Money

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Hardys Stamp Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon

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Hardys Stamp Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon
3.85 10 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Great Well Priced Wine

Delightful, easy to drink, deep wonderful wine can take quite strong flavours. No real hint of oak but is strong and fruity. Loved it.

Reviewers complaining about clearing agents need to look more carefully at wine-making techniques - sad.

Great cheap wine for us all to enjoy.


My Partner Came Back From Italy And Began Trying D

My partner came back from Italy and began trying different wines to see if anything could match the local wines of the Verona area. To be honest we tried this wine a few times and couldn’t notice the difference – so 5 stars here!


Value For Money

Be Aware Hardy's Contains Fish Dairy And Eggs

For vegetarians and vegans be aware this wine contains fish, dairy and eggs. This is not cool and almost an insult to someone's diet......a friend of mine who is vegetarian had this wine and through up. Wine is only suppose to have grapes but these companies are after enhancing flavours and can go to any extent to put any kinda of stuff in it. It would be ethical if Hardy's puts in big red label cautious contains fish. I am sure half the world may not even know that it contain fish eggs and milk. Someone can be allergic to fish and may suffer.

Please put the right label on this wine


It Pays To Check The Ingredients!

This is an average sweet red plonk that I bought to cook with. Tasted OK, then I was intrigued to note that in the ingredients, it had milk products and egg shells. How on earth deos a wine end up with these ingredients. As I am allergic to dairy, it will end up as drain cleaner now. Would not buy on principle anyway. I like my wine to be..... well wine!


Value For Money

Managed To Get Some Recently For About £3.7

Managed to get some recently for about £3.75 - think it was Sainsburys - which in my opinion is a very good price for a truly superior wine.

PS - I never buy wines over £6.


Value For Money

Hardys Stamp Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon Is A Very M

Hardys Stamp Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon is a very moreish and drinkable red wine! It's fruity but also structured, and very "quaffable". Some £5 reds are little more than juice, but this has some real body. Perhaps the price tag is a little high for an everyday wine, but I don't really begrudge the £5.79 in my local store, because this is a lovely drink.


Value For Money

Originally I Wouldn't Drink Red Wine, Was Much Of

Originally I wouldn't drink red wine, was much of a white wine drinker, Hardys Stamp Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon wine has completed my conversion to a red wine drinker.


Value For Money

I Tried The 2002 Vintage Of Hardy's Stamp Shiraz C

I tried the 2002 vintage of Hardy's Stamp Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon the other day and it was possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever put in my mouth - EVER! It had an initial sweet, fruity taste and went down with a vinegar aftertaste. If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought Hardy's took some grape juice, added a bottle of malt vinegar to it and bottled it all up. VILE! Shame, as Hardy's wines are usually very nice.

Avoid the 2002 vintage at all costs!


Value For Money

The First Time I Tried Hardys Wine I Was A Bit Ske

the first time i tried hardys wine i was a bit skeptical as i was not a fan of red wine. i was initially attracted to hardys by the sophisticated labeling. after trying just a small glass it changed my whole view on red wine. the taste, the colour, the aroma, everything was just perfect.


Value For Money

Hardys' Stamp Has A Distinct Flavour And Is Our Fi

Hardys' Stamp has a distinct flavour and is our first choice wine under £5 a bottle.


Good review of an excellent wine.

Always the first wine I look for when at the shops

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