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0.67 11 user reviews

User Reviews


I Am In Malaysia ,reding The The Feed Back . As I

I am in Malaysia ,reding the the feed back . As I said I my report when doing my degree. To day its hard to find Music , art, photographs that can move you.

its was stated back in the 70s that by the years 2000 much art like music and film will have all been achieved. and life will become much the same. sadly comedy seem never funny any more. Bring back a channel that gives all the oldies and archives.

However this program would have been better. If as some one ells quoted. had more detail . As a photographer. i have had it drummed into me. Pay attention to detail. So why were cast digging with out documenting with out a camera. No excitement to there find when they came out of the Bath tunnels. And were not using safety helmets. Not using survival procedure when trapped. use one torch. watch for gas. low air. Where were their hard hats. ????


A Contender For First Programme Ever - And What Is

A contender for first programme ever - and what is it with Julie Graham who seems to be the latest 'in' actress? She cannot act and has the sex appeal of Anne Widdecombe!Baffled viewer.

Martin Peel

I Put Up With The First 5 Episodes, Thinking That

I put up with the first 5 episodes, thinking that all would be revealed -and make sense- with the 6th and last episode.

It was even more ludicrous than the first five.

Run around -and get in!- in Wells Cathedral in the middle of the night and see as if it was broad day light ... find Excalibur in the pond outside ... I am kicking myself for having wasted 6 hours of my life watching this pompous rubbish.


I Think Bonekickers Is Utter Rubbish! No Good Poin

I think Bonekickers is utter rubbish! No good points but many bad!


Bonekickers - What Sort Of Name Is That For A Seri

Bonekickers - what sort of name is that for a series? Headbangers would have been far more accurate! I haven't stopped laughing at the first episode yet, and that was three weeks ago.


Great Credits, But Everything Preceeding The Credi

Great credits, but everything preceeding the credits was ridiculous.


This Is The Most Awful Rubbish I Have Ever Seen Dr

This is the most awful rubbish I have ever seen dressed up as an interesting drama by the BBC. It has the lowest production values of any programme I have ever seen... beats everything. It isn't even so bad it's good in the style of Blake's 7... it's just BAD.

Zoe B Good

I'm All For Risks And Issues Like Racism Need Tack

I'm all for risks and issues like racism need tackling and it is appropriate for the BBC to challenge racist attitudes. But tackling racism head on in the first two episodes is inviting hostility from the crazies and also likely to make moderate people feel uncomfortable. First win the trust of your viewers and then make them feel uncomfortable. I think the first episode may have turned people off. I missed it, by the way but I've heard nothing else but "It was about some Christian who decapitated a Muslim and that's political correctness gone mad blah blah blah." I feel this series may have alienated a lot of viewers before it's got into its stride.


I disagree with this review because...I saw nothing good about the programme - it was ludicrous tosh


Interesting, I didn't miss the first episode and i thought it was beyond ridiculous and as a result, missed the second! It wasn't the issues i was uncomfortable with, it was how bad the epidsode from start to finish. In retrospect, maybe they tried so hard setting the scene and introducing different characters and subplots that it lost any qualities the following episodes have! But after the first half hour i was convinced it was a comedy!


This Has To Be The Most Badly Acted Badly Scripted

This has to be the most badly acted badly scripted joke i've ever seen.

At first i thought it was satire, i had to keep waching just for the comedy value.


Bonekickers Was Awful, Patronising Rubbish. The Ac

Bonekickers was awful, patronising rubbish. The acting was abysmal, particularly the lead actress (head of department). I believe we are supposed to find her to be a bit of saucy minx, however, she just came across as a bit sad and embarrassing to me. I have never left a review for anything before but after watching this I felt compelled. It is not as if they are incapable or short of cash, Dr Who for example is world class so there is no excuse for wasting our licence money in this way.

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