Casio PX 130 Privia
Sound Quality
Value For Money
Casio PX 130 Privia
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User Reviews
Sound Quality
Value For Money
Would Like To Recommend This To All Who Loves Pian
would like to recommend this to all who loves pianos, and want to learn or have one. this is the best coz i own on of this...
[url=http://ezinearticles.com/?Casio-PX130-Review&id=5817992]Casio PX 130 Review[/url]
Sound Quality
Value For Money
It Is A Really Nice Keyboard Piano For Those Of Th
It is a really nice keyboard piano for those of the beginning stage, to intermediate stage. Even those with greater experience like myself enjoy it.
It's sound sounds acoustic as one can be with the current price tag. But you can hear a little "electric" but that is to be expected. A nice sleek design and weighing at only 26 pounds is awesome for portability. What would be nice, is if it had a better sound selection, boasting only 12 sounds. I would also like if it came with a stand. I did not know it didn't have stand. But it came with a sustain pedal, which surprised the hell out of me. I was here thinking I had to buy a 24 dollar pedal, but I had to buy a 50 dollar stand and a 25 dollar bench. Overall the privia 130 is alright if you are new to the weighted keys.
Sound Quality
Value For Money
I Agree That The Casio Px 130 Privia's Action Is N
I agree that the Casio PX 130 Privia's action is not great. But the fact that comes in white means it looks a lot nicer.
The guys at Westside Music Centres told me that they thought it was alot better than the PX120.
Sound Quality
Value For Money
I Brought A Px310 To Start Off Learning Piano - No
I brought a PX310 to start off learning piano - now at grade 3 - I feel the digital piano is not capable of the techniques required to go further. However I will keep it and use it when I need to play at functions. For the price you can not go far wrong.
This is the PX-130 page, not the PX-310. Acoustic pianos have a varying degree of hardness, it's unlikely a certain digital piano will have the same feel that you're used to, but same as with acoustics, there are softer and harder digitals as well.
Also, I don't know what you mean by "now at grade 3 - I feel the digital piano is not capable of the techniques required to go further.", I hope you don't mean a soft pedal, because you can just plug one in. Grade 3 (of what?) doesn't exactly sound very advanced, your digital should serve you fine for practice at home.
well, I'm about to buy the px 130 this weekend, and as a beginner over 25 years ago, appears to be a good buy. 750,000 Won with stand, pedal, and cover - not so great - what do you think? about $650 US
Does it have weighted keys?