Children of Men

Children of Men

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Value For Money

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Children of Men

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Children of Men
4.2 6 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Great Movie! Thoroughly Enjoyed It And I Highly Re

Great movie! Thoroughly enjoyed it and I highly recommend this movie to anyone and everyone.


cool movie and nice to see an action movie set in the UK


Value For Money

Children Of Men Is Yet Another Post-apocalyptic Fi

Children of Men is yet another post-apocalyptic film set in a bad future. Wonder if anyone has made a film about the future where everything is nice and peaceful and there is no repressive evil government... mind you if they did it would probably be a bit rubbish and dull!

This is mainly an action film of sorts and quite violent. My wife didn't like it at all and wondered why anyone would watch it, so certainly not a date movie! The general plot line is that the world is now infertile and Clive Owen ends up having to protect a miraculously pregnant woman... so we have a running scared film with lots of shooting in it.

It's not a high budget film (think they made advantage of some run-down areas very well!) but it doesn't need to be. Be warned, you may watch this and think - hmmm, the future's grim.

Amanda Speedie

Value For Money

Clive Owen Stars In An Apocalyptic Future Vision O

Clive Owen stars in an apocalyptic future vision of Britain and steals the film. He is understated at all times, tender, sensitive, afraid, and always sincere and utterly humane. However he behaves, he is absolutely believable and, when he laughs, it feels as though we are watching Clive himself, with great warmth and humour evident, and not acting at all. This is delightful because he was miscast in 'Arthur', when he appeared wooden and remote. Here he co-stars with Julianne Moore who puts in a more than usually lively appearance. She plays Julian, the leader of a band of terrorists and, although this is stretching credulity, she has a good stab at being ruthless and impassioned. Clive, on the other hand, plays Theodore, the average guy caught up in events that overtake him, and who has no reason to get involved, other than him being a decent man. Michael Caine has a cameo role as Jasper, an ageing hippie, which he clearly relishes.

The set-up is a devastated world, with all systems collapsed. Terrorist attacks and war have caused the breakdown of communication systems, commerce, industry and everything else. Britain is the last country functioning in any sense. Pollution and disease (including a 'flu pandemic) have resulted in infertility in adults and the death of all young children. The world is left with no-one under the age of 21. Into this end-of-the-world scenario the terrorists locate a pregnant young black woman and want to use her for their purposes. Somewhere in this plot I got lost. The young black girl wants to get to a research station to raise her baby which is, of course, over the water, so Clive befriends her and tries to get her away from the terrorists to safety.

It's a cracking good film. It is also just conceivable that in 2027, if computer terrorism is used, businesses and economies could collapse, and countries could be crippled. Dependence on modern technologies put the modern world at risk of attack upon organisations using computers and electronics which cannot function without either power or incorruptible systems. The idea of a pandemic makes it feasible that the weak would perish, young children and the elderly. The only option left to the survivors is to take a tablet which will make them die peacefully. There is no future. If the baby, the clear symbol of hope amidst this doom, survives it is not clear what is expected to come of it. Hope springs eternal, no matter what. Must watch again to figure out what the terrorists planned to do with said infant.


Value For Money

I Have Not Read The Book, Nevertheless I Was Quick

I have not read the book, nevertheless I was quickly impressed and gripped by the film from the moment go. It portrays a bleak near-future in Britain, where the state is run by an 'Orwellesque' totalitarian and ruthless regime. There is a huge refugee problem and poverty is commonplace. More importantly, there is a world-wide infertility problem since children cannot be conceived any more. The basic plot-line involves the main hero (a disgruntled civil servant) trying to help a wanted refugee girl escape Britain. The girl is co-incidentally pregnant, a rather miraculous event in the circumstances. The authorities as well as a militant underground movement hound the hero and his protege all the way. The director has done a tremendous job in presenting a familiar yet subtly different Britain. The camera work is superb and photography is splendid. The acting is decent and we get solid performances from Clive Owen, Julianne Moore and Michael Caine amongst others. Unfortunately, the script is rather weak, especially with its ending. Nevertheless, this film is worth a see, solely for the excellent implementation of the future it portrays and the atmosphere it creates.


Value For Money

Children Of Men Storyline: A World Struck Wi

Children of men storyline:

A world struck with infertility. The youngest person has just be killed. Theodore Faren is offered 5k to transport a pregnant women to safety. All however is not as it seems.


I saw the Children of Men film with a friend. The film has a bomb being set off within the first 5 minutes. My friend started counting down from five when Theodore (Clive Owen) placed his coffee down outside. The camera started circling round him and I realised a bomb was going off, as you so often can in films. However, when my friend reached 0 no bomb exploded. Around two seconds later the bomb did go off. Though this is just a small example, it shows how unpredictable the direction was. This sort of thing ran throughout the film. However, Alfonso Cuaron (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) could and should have put more emphasis on certain events, such as when Miriam (Pam Ferris) was taken off the coach taking people to be deported, as the music was used after she was out of sight. This heighted the emotion, but defeated the point to a large extent, as the scene was over. There were spots of inspired directing, when in a battle scene at one point blood splattered on the camera and stayed there for a few minutes. Also, when the baby was carried out of the hospital and all the fighting stopped when they walked past. As if it were the Messiah, yet when a explosion was caused the fighting was resumed. Showing how responsible humans can be and how they can simply ruin miracles with violence. The directing was mostly and almost 1st person type.


Clive Owen's acting was perfect for this role. It was downcast and unlike his role in King Aurthur (a terrible film). Things happen to Theodore instead of him causing them.

There was no exceptional acting, apart from perhaps Jasper, although it is not worthy of note.

Pam Ferris was good in her role. It takes you a while to realise she's from Rosemary and Time.

The film is on the whole good. In manages to not be pretentious. There are perhaps too many action scenes. There never seems to be a center-point of high action. The scenes tend to pull you along rather that empathise with you, which is surprising considering the directing often follows the character in an almost 1st person 3rd person mix.


Responding to Mister Soft's query: I have not read the book, but saw the film recently. However, a friend of mine read it and said it is noticeably different in many ways. He also added that the book is far superior to the film script.

Mister Soft

What I really liked about this film was the believability of the future - it was gritty and realistic which really helped me get into the film. I'm definitely planning on reading the book now but does anybody know how much the film differs from the book?


Value For Money

Children Of Men Is A Pretty Good Film And In Gener

Children of Men is a pretty good film and in general quite different to the average film you will see at the cinema. Set in 2027 the film presents a fairly bleak picture of the future, with London subjected to daily terrorist attacks, immigrants locked up in cages ready to be sent back to their homelands and most importantly the infertility of women that has sent the world into a depression.

The film begins with the international community in mourning after the death of the worlds youngest citizen at just 18 years of age. Our film's hero, Theodore Faron (Clive Owen), doesn't have much time for the former worlds youngest citizen and is a man, who in general, is simply past caring. Theo's pacifistic attitude changes when he is kidnapped by a terrorist/freedom fighting organisation called The Fish. These renogades are led by Theo's ex-wife Julian Taylor (Julianne Moore) who offer Theo a much needed £5K in exchange for a border pass (these are now customary in 2027). Theo can lay his hands on the border pass thanks to a relative in high places, however he must accompany the refugee that the pass is intended for across the border. Sounds simple enough? Well thanks to some twists, turns and barbaric action it isn't as Theo must get the refugee across the border amidst some serious complications.

This is definitely the best Clive Owen performance and film that I have seen to date and his relationship with Michael Caine's hippy weed dealer Jasper is definitely one of the films highlights. The character of Theo makes a reluctant hero and the script is filled with humour to reflect this. It's safe to say that Owen does a good job with this character and in general the film is well cast throughout with Michael Caine in a scene stealing mood.

What really impresses about this movie is the attention to detail displayed in what life in 2027 would be like. The action scenes, of which there are plenty, are also excellent as are the special effects. My only criticism of the film is that it fails to really move you and I guarantee that a lot of people will fail to 'get it', which may make Children of Men a critical rather than commercial triumph.

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