Charlie Brooks, Before and After Workout

Charlie Brooks, Before and After Workout

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Charlie Brooks, Before and After Workout

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Charlie Brooks, Before and After Workout
4.74 59 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Love This And It Works X

This really works. I really recommend it.

I had to rewatch to remember the steps but its all coming back to me now.


Value For Money

Best Workout For Weight Loss And Fitness

I used this DVD 3 times a week with kind of watching what I was eating for around 8 months. I was so pleased with the weight I lost and improved overall fitness. When I started I would be totally out of breath just doing the warm up but within a couple of weeks was doing the complete DVD. I am just about to buy it again because I have let myself go quite a bit over the last few year. Excited about getting fast results again!


Brilliant! Easy To Follow & It Works!!

I got this DVD when it first came out the first time I used it properly I went from a size 14 to a 12 in a few weeks. I was (loosely) eating a bit better but still had a few treats. I find it really easy to follow and it's fun. The sections and sets are short and varied so you push yourself but then she takes it down to a steadier pace. Great all over body workout. I've just pulled it out again after Christmas....and a holiday in America....and just being lazy in general! Done it 3 times this week already and love it!! It also comes with an eating plan and shows you Charlie getting weighed/measured beforehand shes not just some trainer eho is alteady skinny snd just making a dvd for the money, it follows her progress with the weight loss and the exercises themselves. BUY IT :-)


Value For Money

Trainer Dee Thresher's Energy And Sense Of Fun Is

Trainer Dee Thresher's energy and sense of fun is contagious while she takes you and Charlie through 5 ten minute workouts.

This is suitable for beginners as the steps are easy to follow and most of it is low impact but with enough moves to raise your heart rate. Dee's instructions are clear, she cues the next move well, matches left and rights with you and has a bit of fun. It is not really dancey, but rather aerobic moves with a bit of funky fun.

The routines have a good mix of cardio and toning moves for a good all-round workout. Watch out for the High-Intensity section - if this is too much for you, you can march through the hard parts while you build your fitness, although at only 10 minutes you might be able to get through it.

Each section is enjoyable and the 10 minutes go quickly - which spurs you on to do the next section. Completing all 5 sections gives you a good workout and leaves you feeling energised and happy.

I don't have anything negative to say about this one - Charlie looks tired sometimes, as though she has low energy levels - but she does admit that she doesn't actually like exercise. She has a great rapport with Dee and I think this fun DVD will get everyone having a go.

There is an Eating Plan on the DVD which provides example breakfasts at 300 cals, lunches at 450 cals, dinners for 450 cals and snacks/treats at 150 cals each. Follow these too and you will lose some weight.

What you get:


Hip circles, squats, shoulder rolls, side steps, punches, marching, heel digs, twists, cha cha steps, lunges


Marching, side steps, hip rolls, cha cha steps, wide marching, knee lifts, twists, heel digs,


Punches, hooks, sway and duck, knee lifts, kicks

High Intesity

Marching, wide squats, side steps, pony, calf raises, lunges, skipping, jogging, sumo squats, star jumps

Pilates Cool Down

Stretches, press ups, plank, stomach work

MrsGoldsmith's Rating:

Fun: 7/10

Funky fun

Fitness: 6/10

Will get you on your way

Value: 7/10

Fun, engaging, mix & match - it's a keeper

follow me @MrsGoldsmith

lizzie c

Value For Money

I Received The Charlie Brooks, Before And After Dv

I received the Charlie brooks, before and after dvd today and used it straight away!!! Its great, a real workout!!! I am not fit at all :) but I managed to do the dvd (I did slow it down at some points like the instructor suggested) i can really feel that I have done it which I think is great!!! :) and Im not dreading doing it again, so that is a bonus! My co-ordination isnt cracking, so did struggle with some moves, especially the disco steps, however it was only my first try! Will do this 3 times a week so keeping my fingers crossed! Oh and it wasnt cheesey or intimidating..... Just exercise!!! Charlie B and her instructor, I liked this about the dvd :)


Value For Money

Great Work Out!!! Love Every Min Of It Gets The H

Great work out!!! Love every min of it gets the heart going i love all the dvds Dee Threasure has done though think shes a great personal trainer workes every bit of the body, I combine a few of her dvds to get a really good results. I lost half a stone so far so i,m well on my way to losing the weight i want,


Value For Money

Absolutly Amazing! I'm 19 And Before I Started Thi

Absolutly amazing! i'm 19 and before i started this dvd i was 15.5 stone and hadn't been any smaller than a size 34 since i was 12. now i am 12.8 stone and a size 32. i'v been doing this dvd since beginning of july and i havn't really changed my eating habbits but the results are definatly noticable! the steps are easy to folow although some are confusing, after the 2nd - 3rd run i was able to do it and now it's almost like second nature to me. the music could have been a bit better but i personally find that the music works well while your learning the steps and once you know the steps well enough u can mute the tv and put on your own music. Seriously recommend to everyone.


Well change your blooody eating habits! That's why you are a fstty, too much crappy in your nappy! Eat less = less fat... duh


Value For Money

I Read The Reviews On This Site And Decided To Get

I read the reviews on this site and decided to get this DVD. There are 5 sections that all feel like they are working every part of your body, no area escapes! I have been doing this for 2 weeks, 3 times a week and with healthy eating I have lost 9lb. I feel energised after every workout and can see results already! Steps are challengning to grasp but they become automatic in no time. I didn't do ANY exercise before and found it easy to do, and can feel my body getting stronger day by day. If I can do it, anyone can! Highly recommended. Only down side is watching Janine on Eastenders, as Charlie has obviously put some weight back on which can be demotivating...


Value For Money

I Found This Dvd Hard To Follow As The Steps Not E

I found this dvd hard to follow as the steps not explained and is far to fast for complete beginners like myself. i have no coordination and therefore was hard to keep up and gave up before the warm up had ended i dont think this dvd is for overweight people like myself new to exercising. i was dissappionted with the dvd and myself and would have liked a difficulty rating attached to it.


Value For Money

This Dvd Is Excellent! Im Quite Bad With Co-ordina

This dvd is excellent! im quite bad with co-ordination in general but after about 3 goes i got it. Its quite easy to follow and the moves are not as repetitive as in the natalie cassidy's then and now workout. Ive only been doing the dvd for 2 weeks, but am determined to keep it up... i actually enjoy doing and sometimes find myself doin it twice in one day. its very motivating and seeing how good charlie looked after keeps me going! i would say im about the same size as she was before starting the workout, so hopefully i will attain similar results. Im doing it 5 times per week and following a healthy eating plan, using some of the ideas on the dvd. I would reccmmend this dvd to anyone wanting to achieve weightloss or just to achieve overall toning and fitness. I absolutely love dee thresher and think she is fantastic... her enthusiasm throughout the dvd is refreshing and keeps you going.

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