Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Value For Money
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
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User Reviews
Value For Money
Ever Been Around Someone That Is So Full On And Fu
Ever been around someone that is so full on and full of life that they exhaust you? That's Transformers 2. Somehow simultaneously very exciting and thoroughly boring this is Michael Bay by numbers.
Bordering on racist and sexist yet show casing the kind of action and CGI quality that you won't see any where else, Transformers is neither quite as bad as I expected yet, and I really can't stress this enough, still absolutely dreadful. Where Terminator 4 was a poor but watchable movie, Transformers 2 is a poor movie dragged out to an excruciating two and a half hours long. Trimming a full hour off would certainly have helped the film and I think even allow it to gain the 3 out of 5 score I gave the original (a mark I still stand by though I personally now find the film unwatchable).
However as it is Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen still suffers from the same problems the first film had (the film makers seem confused as to whether this is a farce aimed at 8 year olds or an action flick for grown ups) with an almost pornographic camera approach to the shot choices of how to film the women and vehicles. Again, though the direction seems to have come from the 'Dummy's Guide to How to Shoot a TV Commercial' book the real problem is in the writing. A plot so appalling the exposition has to keep repeating what's going on through out and characters so two dimensional they make the cartoon original, pre 1986 movie, show seem like an episode of The Wire.
However I can't help but wonder how anyone could really expect more from a Michael Bay movie. It's loud, stupid and sexy and you're all equally to blame as myself for paying to see it.
Value For Money
I Dont Know....it Was A Generic Aciton Movie. Not
i dont know....it was a generic aciton movie. not boring i suppose....i guess megan fox just irritates me!
Value For Money
After Loving The First Movie, I Was More Then Exci
After loving the first movie, I was more then excited to watch this one, mostly because I've had so many friends going on about how much they loved it and how it's "the best film ever".
The cast is still great, I love the main character and his girlfriend, and I must say, I especially love his parents. As well as this movie being a great action filled squel, it also has some clever, hillarious parts added it, mostly on the main character's mothers part. Nearer the begining when he's leaving home to go to College, I thought it was the funniest thing in the film when his mum's running around the house crying with his baby shoes, she's just classic. Without her I think the film would have been too serious and too concetrated on the action, whereas having this extremely funny woman included it transformed the film into an extremely great film which I doubt people will forget about in a hurry.
The action sequences were great, having both the autobots and the humans being in an alliance against the decepticons (sorry if spelt wrong) was great, it made every battle more epic. There are more Robots in this film than the first, more good and more bad - I hope you'll like to know that Bee or Bea is still in the film, the yellow car who's job it is is to protect the main character. I gata say that during the film when he's been in danger and needed help I really loved the way he screamed "Bumble Bea!" (sorry if spelt wrong!) and he really screamed/shouted it which was so epic, I loved it.
Also, by the tittle of the film and before you watch it, to me I thought "Ooh okay, so the bad guys who lost in the first film are going to come back and try and own the world again, yippie.", however when you watch the film you find that "The Fallen" is an actual person, or should I say Robot. This creates a whole new storyline, linked with the one in the first movie which makes this film great.
I must say however that when watching it I did keep on thinking "When's this going to end?!" because it felt like the film was just going on and on and on... When you think they're about to finish and it'll all be over, you then find out another battle is about to happen and another 20 minutes to go or whatever, but overall the film was great.
Value For Money
After Watching The First Movie, Transformers (2007
After watching the first movie, Transformers (2007) and enjoying it, I was looking forward to seeing Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen.
Firstly, this movie is long. 2.5hrs to be precise. I found the plot to be weaker than the first movie, with plenty of holes covered up by the very long action scenes. It's good to have decent action scenes in a movie, and the CGI was superb, but at one point everything just got so confusing I was finding it hard to tell which robots were which.
The love story between Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox kept on coming up, but I have to say, failed miserably... I couldn't decide if it was needed, or even if there was any room in the film for it!
Overall, an ok movie. LOTS of action, weak storyline, and a pathetic romance. Quite funny at times with over the top action scenes. Wait for a rainy day with 2.5hrs to kill, and you'll probably enjoy this movie.
Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen Is Superb! Obv
Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen is SUPERB! obviously a better budget than the first! lots of autobot fights, romance, comedy...everything!!
it was about 2 and a half hours long but didnt drag at all, loved every minute of it :)
would definitly recommend it and will be buying the dvd!!
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