Paul Heaton, Steve Cowens, Blades Business Crew

Paul Heaton, Steve Cowens, Blades Business Crew

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Paul Heaton, Steve Cowens, Blades Business Crew

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Paul Heaton, Steve Cowens, Blades Business Crew
3.25 6 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Should Be Called Never Been Done /never Been Run

poor as he makes out is firm is the best in the world


Value For Money

Fair Play To A Fair Man

Cowens is a man of morals, ok he got into the caveman world of football violence but away from that he comes across as a normal bloke who has strong beliefs. The books violence is broken up with a gritty northen humour and a honesty (he tells of his firm and himself getting done in) that is refreshing. I've never been into football violence but as a spurs fan i've seen it happen and now i have a better understanding and realise that not all (just 90%) football thugs are brain dead


Value For Money

Its Pretty Obvious That Cowens Not Only Loves His

Its pretty obvious that cowens not only loves his club but also loved the friendships and situations that they got into. I'm a Boro fan and was there in one of the battles and cowens has put it down spot on, he's not shirked or glossed over the fact that we did them and i actually remember him and his mate standing on their own only for cowens to get arrested, so fair play. respect


Value For Money

Full Of Contradictions And Very Poorly Written.

Full of contradictions and very poorly written.


Value For Money

I Have Just Recently Come Back From Greece, And I

I have just recently come back from Greece, and I bought the book on the way out and couldn't put it down. This caused many arguments while there. I am a big Leeds fan, and I enjoyed that part of the book a lot. I have already recommended the book to several mates. 10/10.

One Man Army

Value For Money

This Book, Blades Business Crew, Or Bbc As They Ca

This book, Blades Business Crew, or BBC as they call themselves certainly gave me a chuckle. The book recounts the wild football hooligan scene of the 1980's through the eyes of Sheffield United fan Steve Cowens. This Yorkshire luddite portrays himself and the BBC to be a pretty tough firm, however most real fans know that the inbred army took as many kickings on the terraces as they did on the pitch.

He tries to justify the violence and maintains that there is a strict code of honour between rival football gangs, however I find it hard to believe that innocent bystanders and 'shirters' haven't received a slap when it all kicks off. There are some good accounts of scraps over the years, however I think the author has taken too many blows to the head when he considers the Blades won/loss ratio.

Guys like this drag the good name of football through the mud, and for that reason I'm glad Cowens and his gang of girl guides took a few good pastings. Next time I read one of these books I'll be hoping for much more than this.


I have just read your review and to be perfectly honest I think you've been reading the wrong book mate. I am a woman and have been going to Bramall Lane for the past twenty five years, I have took my children, have seen a lot of the said violence and have accepted it comes as part and parcel of going to football be it whichever team. What I will say on the matter is although I don't condone the violence I have seen firsthand that like minded teams fight with like minded teams and your talking out of your rear love. I actually know the bloke who wrote this book and hes decent and honest as are many of the lads he spoke about in the book. There are a few bad apples among the bunch as there are in all walks of life so if you found it so unbelievable why carry on reading? My advice? Buy a Wednesday book, they're always good for a laugh and you can spot the pork pies. Up the blades!!!


Obviously a comment from a non-football fan. The book although has slight poetic licence it overall covers the main points of the 'crew'. As a retired BBC member I can say I never took any kickings and the majority of the runners we had were from the North East. Bye Bye Magpie!!

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