Windows 8
Windows 8
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User Reviews
Windows 8
I have been
using Windows operating systems as far back as Windows 3.1 I have to say that even Windows95 was a lot better than this this is is not for the User it is for Mirosofts own way of controlling what we can and cannot do with our do with our own computer this is should have been left for tablets and touch screens as I see it this is what I think it was formally intended for but Microsoft's ploy of having Windows 8 on every available device is nothing more than a Having used Microsoft Windows Is for many years I have finally gave up on them I will not be buying any devices with Windows8 installed
Windows 8 "awful !", Don't Buy!!!
I use both PC and Mac and no wonder Mac wins, this program has no features the same as Vista which I don't find too bad or even Windows 7. You can't even find the how to use manual with out searching for it. What happened to Outlook still trying to figure this out to set up my account. Seriously thinking of ditching Microsoft all together and going with Mac, this is just a money making exercise for Microsoft.
Disgruntled user.
I can't write a review as I've not used it, but just to say that I recently bought a laptop and, after hearing all about Windows 8, I specified Windows 7. It is still possible to do that if you know where to look and is what many businesses do (or wait for something better). It is really embarrassing for MS and they are now (with a change of CEO) desparately rushing to replace Win8 with something that is more acceptable.
MS wanted a touch-screen interface for tablets and phones - fair enough. But their mistake was trying to force users of big screens (desktop and laptops) to use the same. MS assumed the public are so dumb that they can't cope with more than one interface; like a car maker designing a car with handlebars and brake levers, in case we forget whether we are in a car or on a bike. Personally, I find it insulting, and people are deserting WIndows for MacOS or Linux in droves. MS have lost control of the market over this blunder, and that's no bad thing.
Different Gui But How Is It Different To Windows 7?
Firstly I upgraded from windows 7 thinking 8 would be a a much better experience, well it isn't. I'm sure machines that have it installed fresh out of the box may perform better but Windows 8 isn't good a good upgrade as it killed certain functions on my machine.
As for the new layout, I think Microsoft tried too hard to be 'in the market' with a the new metro screen and apps, all of which are pretty useless, yes it may look more modern but function wise I prefer Windows 7.
Good Operating System
I really like this operating system, though designed to be used on tablets and touch screen monitors, even with the mouse can be used quite easily, very intuitive and very slick, it's much faster than the old ones and allot more reliable, and for those who don't like the look they can always switch the way it looks back to what Windows 7 used to look like but with the benefits and flexibility and upgrades of Windows 8. The selections of apps now offered by Microsoft is immense, and for those who love multimedia such as videos, pictures, music and all the rest this system is heaven.
I use Windows 8 on a tablet and on a laptop. The learning curve is small and certainly much smaller than if you were to move to OSX. Now I have a tablet which I can use to replace a laptop and still be productive.
Love This Operating System
Though this system is mainly designed to be used on tablets and touch screen monitors I enjoy using it with a normal computer with the mouse, it's the same thing if you know what you're doing, otherwise you can always switch back to the classic windows look as Window 7 used to be. The system is first of all fast, and secondly reliable, much more then they used to be. The look and style is completely changed and very modern, I like the look and feel. This is a new age operating system for those adaptable to changes.
" ... operating system for those adaptable to changes" ?
On the contrary, Microsoft are trying to accomodate people who are *not* adaptable to changes - ie people who cannot cope with their desktop PC and their tablet or phone having different look-and-feel from each other. However, judging by comment around the Internet, most people are perfectly capable of coping with the differerence, and are fine with WIndows 8 as a tablet OS, but are angry with it being foisted on them for a desktop PC.
To those who say that Win8 can be reverted to the Win7 interface, I suggest looking at some more technical websites, according to which that is only partly true.
Great For Pads
This windows is perfect for pads, too bad i installed on my pc. It's really confusing at first but that usually happens when you switch the OS. Works smoothly tho.
Nothing Special
Just as expected this operating system is nothing special, not so intuitive and not good looking neither, I would have never bought one but my sister has (I use mac) and she would not listen to me, but in my opinion it's not worth it.
Not Sure Of The Benefits
I was given a new computer at work - and it came with Windows 8. It has been hard to adjust and several times, I have asked to go back to Windows 7, but my IT guys say it is nigh on impossible. Windows 8 has an odd interface. They should make it easy to not use it, but use Windows 7 instead.
Don't Blame Microsoft For Your Cheap Hardware!
Windows 8, the finger friendly operating system from Microsoft.
Its Windows but not as you know it, and if you read some of the reviews here and elsewhere on the net you will see it has been slated for the new UI (User Interface for the none technical reader).
I am an IT professional, I have worked with Microsoft Products since Windows 3.1 and we have a love hate relationship. To be honest I struggled for the first 10 mins playing with Windows 8, where to drag the program to close it, what tile did what etc...
My 8 year old daughter took to it like a duck to water, intuitive functional, fast and most importantly fun.
Having used Windows 8 for a while I must say I am overall very satisfied, there is a steep learning curve if your very technical but transversely it would appear to be simple for those who are not.
If you are buying Windows 8, DO NOT buy a cheap non touch device, its a finger friendly OS (Operating System), it was designed for you use a combination of touch and traditional HID's (Human Input Device / Keyboard, Mouse).
Can you imagine using a mouse to operate your smart phone?
All in all, a fast, stable (so far) and intuitive system, once you get over the shock its well worth the investment.
(My daughter would give it 5 stars but I am not that generous)
Windows 8!!!!
I have interacted with this OS for quit some time, it has bright features from screen appearance to the various applications in in the start menu, the view is just wonderful as compared to other OS's , it is fast and offers a variety of applications for downloads, it has made my office work easy in storage and retrieving of files. I recommend it for office work.
I tried windows 8 and I dont like it cause a lot of my software does not work.
it's useless for office work, it's for kids and is worse than vista!
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