AMD Athlon XP

AMD Athlon XP

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AMD Athlon XP

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AMD Athlon XP
4.69 14 user reviews

Ease of Set Up


Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money


Ease of Set Up

I Have Athlon Xp 1900+ (1.6ghz) Processor That Is

I have Athlon XP 1900+ (1.6GHZ) processor that is based on Palomino core.

With special copper heatsink, temperatures do not rise more than 60 oC on 100% CPU load, but with standard one it climbs to 75 oC.

Nice processor, stable and reliable (with special heatsink and no overclock), good performance.

It still can run a lot of modern 3D games (with good display adapter).

My CPU equipped with special copper heatsink and powerful fan that does a lot of noise (almost like air conditioner, even more than my server that has twice the fans).

Such a computer can not work in bedroom at night, but it is still good for most of 32bit applications.


My Athlon 2600+ runs at about 53...all the time, even when there are lots of programs open.


Value For Money


Ease of Set Up

The Amd Athlon Xp Processor Is Great. 2.0 (well, M

The AMD Athlon XP processor is great. 2.0 (well, more precisely, 1.99) gHz means good performance, and is just what most people need.

It can cope with all the latest technology demands, from gaming to Google Earth!

My average CPU temperature is around 55c, but I guess that's good considering that my advanced hard drive gets to some 200c! I guess it's just a lack of ventilation in my PC. In my case my processor had a very large aluminium heatsink (which would be better if it was a copper + aluminium combined sink) and, above that, a small 4cm CPU fan doing around 4000rmp.

All in all, I'm very happy with the processor!!!

MadMan Forever

Value For Money

Now I'm Using A Amd Athlon Xp Processor 2400+ T-br

Now I'm using a AMD Athlon XP Processor 2400+ T-bred and i found that it can easily leave a P4 2.4 in the dust. It actually get a higher score than the P4 2.6 . I have always used AMD( from 1993, a 386 processor) and i've had one intel processor which didn't have the power to please me (intel pII 300 mhz)


Value For Money

Hell With The Lot Of You Who Think Amd Athlon Xp A

Hell with the lot of you who think amd athlon xp are bad processors, i have built my own computer and written my own software in visual basic 6 which is a comp language if you dont know, and i have a amd athlon XP 2600+ processor which is old but it has pure speed.


Value For Money

I Got A Pc With Amd Athlon Xp 2200 With Six 8cm Fa

I got a pc with AMD Athlon XP 2200 with six 8cm fans. I still not satified with the high temperature (65C!!!). However AMD is cheap. If give me a chance again, i will get Intel chip because i can't stand the noisy fan in my pc.... i can't sleep at night if i switch on my pc!!!!


AMD's Athlon XP processors do run hot, and 65° is an average temperature.

It is probably more efficient to select a CPU cooling fan and heat-sink for a much higher rated processor (eg. XP3000+ rated fan for an Athlon XP 2600+) rather than simply adding additional 8cm case fans.

The additional case fans may actually draw air-flow within the PC case away from the area of the processor, starving it of cool air. This will only compound the situation.

Ensure that you have adequate thermal conductivity between the back of the processor and the heat-sink, either by using aluminium or copper based conductive paste, or by using adhesive conduction patches.

If your motherboard BIOS is capable of monitoring processor temperature, use this to prevent overheating, particularly if you overclock your processor. The software will shut down the PC before it can fry the processor.

I would not suggest overclocking any Athlon XP processor without using some high-specification cooling system (e.g. water cooled heatsinks, or large copper heatsinks).

Shut down, disconnect, and open the PC case occasionally (once or twice a year, depending upon frequency of use) and remove any fluff or dust from inside the case with compressed air, or a vacuum cleaner. However, do not touch the motherboard or any components without first earthing yourself to the PC case chassis.

Later generations of Socket A processors (eg. Semperon processors) were designed specifically to run with much lower core temperatures, in order to address this overheating problem. That is why they can now achieve clock speeds in excess of 3000 MHz.


Value For Money

Buy Amd Athlon Xp

Buy AMD Athlon XP

MadMan Forever

Yes, The AMD processor is faster and if u put a bigger cooler in your system u can forget about those intel processors for ever


I agree the athlons are by far the best processors.My works had all intel machines until i joined and showed them the error of their ways.


Value For Money

I Have No Idea What All The Intel Posse Is Bickeri

I have no idea what all the Intel Posse is bickering about when it comes to commenting on the AMDs. I am running an AMD Athlon XP 1800+, with 512 DDR and a Gigabyte 7VRX M-B and a GeForce2 vid card. My machine runs like a bullet. Rarely a problem, and when there is one, it is usually software related and has nothing to do with the hardware. I work with P4s at the office, day in, day out, and they come nowhere near the AMD (and we're talking P4 2.0 and up machines). If anyone is looking to make a money-wise decision, look at AMD and forget about Intel. With the money you'll save and the quality you will gain, you'll be able to afford a nice RAM boost and enjoy years of headache-free computing. Way to go, made a believer out of me!

Khalid Mzungu.

I've got the same experience.

The 1800 is as good as the 2100.

They both do not much to each other in benchmarks.

Only that the 2100 is a little bit faster.

But value for money 1800 is better I think.


Value For Money

I Took My Amd Athlon At 1.4 Mhz And Compared It To

I took my AMD Athlon at 1.4 MHz and compared it to a P4 at 2 GHz and my Athlon kicked it's *ss


This comment goes Out to paul who asked " what tests did you use to compare prossesors" well Paul that question is easy to answear, obviously he used the Amd kick Intel #ss test.


What tests did you use to compare the processors ?


Value For Money

This Processor Is A Great Chip That Delivers Great

This processor is a great chip that delivers great performance for a great price. I just made the switch from intel to amd, and i will not go back to intel!


Value For Money

I Have An Amd Athlon Xp 2ghz Processer And The Spe

I have an AMD Athlon XP 2GHz processer and the speed its brilliant.

I used to only have a Intel 433MHz processer and i can tell the diffrence as soon as i bought this processer.

I recommend it to anyone who wants a good processer.

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